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 Winter weekend at the Fort ...

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Monadnock Hiker Posted - February 20 2022 : 4:34:42 PM
Ok - Just returned from the annual "Winter Weekend at the Fort". - In the last week we've had VERY warm weather & a LOT of rain. - The week before that the place would have been buried in snow - nice, like the snow. I got there early as usual so the turn-out was low at that time - quite a few cars coming in as I was leaving. - The temp was about 20* outside & the building were "kinda cool". ... The usual Abenaki were there plus some others from around Rhode Island - have to look up their name. - Some really GOOD NEWS - the Fort is waiting for material to arrive to re-roof THREE buildings - much needed. There were four "heated rooms" and that's where everyone was - no one hung around outside.

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2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Monadnock Hiker Posted - February 21 2022 : 08:09:33 AM
There were actually more folks there that it appears. The four "heated rooms" (so called) were in the corners of the Fort & I only visited two. - The new roofing installed last year on the Parker House is metal & the new roofs are going to be the same. - Unless you really "look close" the new roofing looks like (old style) shingles - NOT panels. Hope you can get a couple of pics Fitz ... As he always does , the Abenaki from Rhode Island traps beaver & brings it up for cooking - he did this year too. - Looks pretty good, but I passed. - I did buy a wrist band from the other tribe, - helps pay for the gas it takes to get them up here.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - February 21 2022 : 07:24:51 AM
Looks like it was a good weekend. I am sure glad to hear they are going to re-roof the buildings. That is the key to preservation. The best thing to use is metal. Not correct, but unless you can afford constant maintenance, it is the way to go.

We had a good event last weekend. The place was packed and people parking on the little road coming in. The weather was great. I didn't get any pictures so I am hoping some of the wives who don't dress for events maybe got some.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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