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Monadnock Hiker Posted - June 27 2021 : 2:30:14 PM
Pretty damn hot over there today - mid 90's. Could not imagine doing this "for real" in this heat - but it certainly happened. - The "main house" (the Parker House) has a new (steel) roof - much needed & it looks absolutely great. - Somehow it's almost "period correct" - don't know how they did it. Another roof being replaced shortly ... one of the lean-to's I believe.

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6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 30 2021 : 07:35:01 AM
There is one coming up on the 10th of July at Brattonsville, SC. It is where they filmed many parts of The Patriot. It will be the first big Rev War event of the year. There was a CW event back in Feb. but other than that almost everything so far has been cancelled. I had hopes for Fort Frederick in August, but I just received word it has been cancelled as well. The reason given was not Covid restrictions, but lack of money and workers. They say there will be a big one next year, but they always say that. As for pictures, I usually have to rely on others for that since I will be in 18th century dress and can't carry a camera.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - June 29 2021 : 8:11:16 PM
Are you planning on going to any events a tad closer to home this year??? - If you do, - take a few pics.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 29 2021 : 07:12:23 AM
The Pequawket Alliance talks a lot about Fort at #4. I would like to see it.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - June 28 2021 : 4:02:32 PM
The Fort at No. 4 ... Charlestown, N.H. Fitz. ... The only one I go to theses days, about two hours away & an "interesting drive" on Rte. 123 thru a LOT of woods/forests. - To raise the much needed money the fort needs - they do several events each year that are not from the F&I era. - We're simply too far north for most F&I units to make the trip & Covid hasn't helped.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 28 2021 : 07:44:23 AM
Where were these pictures taken? Most of what I know about the northern sites is about those from the F&I era.
Dark Woods Posted - June 27 2021 : 10:21:59 PM
Enjoyed the images and the link.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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