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 Internet Explorer 7 Now Available!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - October 21 2006 : 10:22:23 AM
A part of the upcoming Vista operating system, IE 7 is now available as a free download here.

I've been using the various beta versions for quite some time and I am pretty happy with it. Sometime in November, I believe, it will be an automatic part of the Windows Update download, but if you want it now use the link. The interface is different, but you will get used to it. All your favorites will stay intact!

Have fun!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
caitlin Posted - October 25 2006 : 12:24:56 AM
Ahhh, yes, dial-up.... gotta love and hate it...

The really annoying thing is even with all of the construction and new building going on around us, we seem to be in some weird "zone / island " that isn't cable nor DSL ready??? Give me a freakin break! It's not like we're in the middle of nowhere!
felicitysgramma Posted - October 24 2006 : 11:11:08 PM
Yep, on dialup. Thought it might have something to do with that. If I refresh, I get more each time. Not horrible, just sometimes annoying.
richfed Posted - October 24 2006 : 2:49:06 PM
Originally posted by felicitysgramma

Oh, Rich, I forgot I wanted to ask - on IE7, have you had times when pages don't load completely? I've frequently had to refresh the page to get all the images to display. Not all the time, but fairly often.

Are you on a dial-up connection? I am, and yes, it does occasionally happen. Not often though.
felicitysgramma Posted - October 23 2006 : 9:52:49 PM

Free gooooooood.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 23 2006 : 4:46:04 PM
The nice thing about this kind of software is it's FREE!
felicitysgramma Posted - October 23 2006 : 2:24:45 PM
Cool. Sounds like they've done some work. Might just give that a try, too. Why not? Three, heck, I've got other redundant software. (Gotta get around to exorcising the Magic Box someday....)
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 23 2006 : 09:13:47 AM
Tabed browsing, ability to manage security on a site-by-site basis, new security options and features, etc. You can block cookies selectively, and on sites where you must enable them, such as online purchasing, you can set an option to delete them at the end of the session. It really keeps your computer free of junk. And you have a choice of rendering engine, either Foxfire, or Internet Explorer, for each individual web site.
felicitysgramma Posted - October 23 2006 : 12:40:28 AM
Netscape's better now? How so? I haven't used it since...hmmmm...version 4 or so, I think. I'd appreciate hearing.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 21 2006 : 11:05:51 PM
I have been using the Netscape 8.1 and find it far superior to IE.
felicitysgramma Posted - October 21 2006 : 10:48:01 PM
Oh, Rich, I forgot I wanted to ask - on IE7, have you had times when pages don't load completely? I've frequently had to refresh the page to get all the images to display. Not all the time, but fairly often.
felicitysgramma Posted - October 21 2006 : 10:44:33 PM
I've been using FireFox and the IE7 beta for a while, too. I'm still having a time getting used to the tabs, but otherwise it's no big adjustment. Mostly I keep forgetting that because of some of my settings, I have to hit Ctrl/click to get that second tab to open for some things. It's nice, though, to be able to bounce between some pages without hitting the Back button.
Monadnock Guide Posted - October 21 2006 : 3:35:19 PM
Quite awhile ago I switched to Fire Fox, - like it quite a bit. In fact I couldn't open this site with IE6 (I think it was) but had no problem using Fire Fox. I'll take a close look at IE 7, has to be an improvement - thanks for the info.

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