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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wilderness Woman Posted - February 28 2003 : 12:28:49 PM
Sjt. Malcolm... Seamus...?

I have a reenacting question, please.

Prior to the Saratoga 225th event, I was checking the website, and found a map of the encampment area for the event. On the map, in the area that was between the American and the British camps, there was a space that was marked "Hardcore."

When we were at the camps, in that space there were just a few camps, with tents that were not the usual white army tents. The folks I saw there were not in uniform.

So my question is... In relation to reenacting, what does the term "hardcore" mean? And who were the folks who were camped in that area?


12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Highlander Posted - March 13 2003 : 03:23:08 AM
Dear Cousin Seamus,When you do the march on Kittanning in 2006,I think that will be "hardcore".I may have to join you however,since I have not been there since I went to the IUP branch campus in 1985.
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 10 2003 : 07:58:02 AM
Originally posted by Wilderness Woman

I was worried that I was bothering you both, but I won't anymore. I promise.

...Worry, that is. I will still bother you on occasion.
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 09 2003 : 10:06:32 PM
Hello, Seamus!
OK, you are both forgiven!

I know you are both very, very busy... just didn't realize quite how busy. I will try to be more patient in the future, and thank you so much for your patience with me! I was worried that I was bothering you both, but I won't anymore. I promise.

Yes, thank you... a few more swallows would be nice...
Seamus Posted - March 09 2003 : 9:33:05 PM
Aye, Cousin Malcolm......your concise history of the longhunter, woodsman, ranger, trekker, soldier, "buckskinner" is well done! And, yes, I am as pretty as Hawkeye.....maybe not as tall, but every bit as pretty! Heheheh! (And YOU know it!)

WW.....! I, too, have not been ignoring you and your queries...just been busier lately than a one-armed traffic cop. I have just come in from a L-O-N-G day in the field at Conrad Weiser's Homestead and now, after having put away my gear, and my uniform, I am catching up on my mail and Lists with a fine glass of Port here next to me and the bottle nearby, so I don't even have to get up to get it!

Campaigning season started today for the Augusta Regiment and will be in full swing until November. Next week we are doing a Winter Tactical (war games) at Daniel Boone Homestead. That is "Big Boys Cowboys and Indians", for want of a better description.

Please....DO NOT EVER stop asking questions! How else can one learn?? And don't despair.....we will answer them for you, or anyone else for that matter. It may be awhile until one of us can get to it, but the answers will come......guaranteed!!

Can I freshen your glass?
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 09 2003 : 6:17:03 PM
Well hello, Sarj! I echo GG's comments... that was very helpful. I think I get the whole picture clearly now, and really do appreciate your taking few moments to post for me.

No, as of yesterday, I had not received the Chronicles.

Thanks so much!
WW (That's a salute!)
Gadget Girl Posted - March 09 2003 : 5:44:30 PM
Thanks Flags, that was certainly enlightening! I often wondered how and when the "reenacting" life (and rendezvous and trekking) gained momentum. Do you know if the Civil War reenacting had a similar timetable (Steph, anyone)? Thanks again for taking the time to post that!!!!

Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam Posted - March 09 2003 : 4:53:06 PM
WW....I have not been ignoring you, just have not been posting lately, lurking some though. It is a busy time for us of the 77th (and my cousin Many Flags) for it is time to begin the new event season, planning for the first "outing" the beginning of April at Old Bedford Village and the end of April at Fort Frederick in Maryland. If you can visit Fort Fred the last weekend of April, you will see a Rendezvous, albeit an evolvement of Rendezvous that is supposed to be more mid 18th century. This is difficult to explain in a bit of writing, and would be better around a campfire with a pipe and bit of grog. The historical camping rage began around early to mid 1970s after Michner's Centenial came out, Jeremiah Johnson and The Mountain Men aired. Everyone wanted to recreate the fur trapping, mountain man era, the trading "rendezvous" that was held...uhh, on the Platte?? It's been a while since I dredged up this story. So the first recreated Rendezvous or large campouts, lasting up to 10 days....sort of a free-for-all, hodgepodge of "costuming", shooting and tomahawk matches, bearded men with lots of drinking, etc., etc....As they evolved into the late 80s and early 90s here in the East, a more colonial Fand I War flavor began to emerge, and the Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton, Mark Baker type started. Then LOTM came along and gave justification to getting rid of western tipis and the bearded mountain men type at Rendezvous. Although that type is still very noticeable at the Eastern Rendezvous and others here in the East. Some of us started out doing Rendezvous, moved into the eastern look of breechclouts, leggins, etc....even before LOTM came out, and then that look became the rage. Then some of us went into the military F and I War, doing British Highlander and Provincials, (like my cousin Seamus as John Armstrong of the August Regiment). Although Many Flags still lurks as one of my schizo characters, I am mainly Sjt. MacWm. of the 77th and 42nd Grenadier Company. Seamus and Many Flags could be classified as longhunters, sort of free and easy men who have an Indian influence to their dress and mannerisms, a Hawkeye type character (although not as pretty!! Seamus will say he is as pretty!!) who have no real allegiance to the King...but I'm not even sure that the term "longhunter" is a correct 18th century term. Rendezvous, I have explained and come to Fort Fred and you will see a fine one!! Many Flags will be there. Seamus and probably Three Tales also. Rangers are uhhh, military longhunters....go to Pvt. Chauncey's website and you'll see. They fight for the King, but have the skills of a longhunter...usually in the Roger's Rangers green outfits. Trekkers are hard core, going out for days on end, with what they carry on their back. Mark Baker is a Trekker, I know several others...Wade Shultz, etc. I have done little of this, but will approximate it during the Winter Hunt of December and January that I do. I hope this helps, but it's best (yeh, I'll say it again), to visit a Rendezvous like Fort Frederick where you will see longhunters, rendezvousers, trekkers, Rangers, etc. Come visit our camp and 'sit a spell'!! Oh, did you receive the Chronicles?? Pax Aye!! Malcolm MacWm.
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 09 2003 : 12:40:22 PM
OK, guys...
You're leaving me alone on the field here...
Shall I take that as a hint??
Shall I no longer tread the trail where I really do not belong??
Shall I stay as I lay [on the field]??
Shall I be considered a breed apart, making no sense??
Shall I hide in my cave, hoping that no one will find me?
Shall I stay quiet and let only my imaginings stir my blood??

Oh, Dear. Sigh. And I thought it would be such an "ad-ven-tia"!

Wilderness Woman Posted - March 01 2003 : 12:40:51 PM
Yes... that all makes sense. The people I saw had tarps anchored to the ground on one or two sides, but open to the air on the others. I saw no cots... just bear skins (?) on the ground, or perhaps on straw or evergreen boughs? They did not seem to have all of the accoutrements the other soldiers had. I did not see uniforms, either, so wonder if they could have been militia.

Originally posted by Seamus

I have felt, too, that the "Rendezvous" appearance and atmosphere at events portrays a very inaccurate picture of an 18th military camp, and would personally, like to see more "Hardcore".

Now here is where I became confused again. I think that "Rendezvous" refers to trappers/traders/mountainmen?? Could you elaborate, please, Seamus? How do they differ from "Hardcore"? Seems as if they would look very much the same.

Another idea. How about providing a brief glossary for those of us (like me!)who are confused about the various types of reenactors? For example, what are easy definitions for: Rangers, Longhunters, Trekkers, Rendezvous, and any others you can think of? Anything other than Militiary/Regular Army/Militia.

I ask this because I am really, truly interested... not just making conversation. Can't you tell, yet, that I am a too-old-to-begin-with-a-not-interested-husband-wanna-be-frustrated-reenactor?? LOL!

Thanks. CTRanger, your two-pence-worth are more than welcome, too... or anyone else's.

Seamus Posted - March 01 2003 : 06:44:14 AM
Thanks for the input, CT! Yep! You're right, but it has been going on longer than the CW boys "Campaigning" has. We were doing it 30 years go and more, mostly out of public view. Its visibility has increased, however, with the increase in participants. Our Augusta Regiment has planned a weekend of "Hardcore", including a 6 mile woodland trek, in the early Spring so we can acquaint our newer members with it. We will see how they fare with the bare essentials! T'will be an enlightening experience, for sure.

I have felt, too, that the "Rendezvous" appearance and atmosphere at events portrays a very inaccurate picture of an 18th military camp, and would personally, like to see more "Hardcore". But it is not for everyone. Reality kicks in and the desire for creature comfort, age and physical restraints eliminate a lot of folks. But, what a great educational tool....for both the soldier and the public!

Can I give you a glass of port?
CT•Ranger Posted - February 28 2003 : 10:45:10 PM
Excuse me as I throw in my two pence worth here. There's been a movement gaining popularity with "hardcore" Rev. War and F&I War reenactors, which started in Civil War Reenacting called "Campaigning." These "Campaigners" wish to portray a more accurate military camp at events. When many battles occurred, like Saratoga, armies were on campaign marching through the countryside, and they usually didn't carry a bunch of tents, beds, tables, dining flys etc. like you see at most reenacting events. So these campaigners wishing to portray a more accurate camp of an army on campaign build brush shelters or use simple tarps, and live off of what they can carry on their backs for the duration of the reenactment.
Seamus Posted - February 28 2003 : 3:50:09 PM
Well, WW.....I am afraid that I was not at Saratoga----wrong war for me! Malcolm was there, and he will have an answer for you about it.

We refer to guys who do "their thing" with absolutely NO modern comforts in their camps as Hardcore". That simply means blanket rolls, no tents..just a simple canvas shelter which can vary as to style and type, period foods, etc....travellin' light all the way. These folks are usually Ranger/militia/longhunter types who want to do it as it was as far as they can.

I used to do that, and have SEVERAL hardcore treks on my "List of Things I Have Done", and now I am older and wiser I have relegated them to fond memories! It is quite challenging, occasionally dangerous, and very rewarding when it's over to have done a Hardcore event or trek. It is just another facet of this fascinating hobby of ours.

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