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Kyfrontiersman Posted - April 20 2007 : 12:10:15 AM
How does one get qualified to get to add a photo album?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
richfed Posted - April 21 2007 : 08:58:06 AM
Ok, here is the deal with that ...

You can physically change the size of the image using any photo editing software by cropping or adjusting the image's dimensions.

OR, go to DOWNLOADS & download the WinJPEG file. It's an old program, and if you're running XP you will get an error message when starting up the software. Ignore it, the program WILL work. Or, you can download a new utility called High Quality Photo Resizer [you'll need to do a search for that]. Both are small programs that can be downloaded in minutes, even on a dial-up connection.

Once WinJPEG is installed, simply open an image with it & click "Save". That's it. Image will be compressed & drastically reduced in size - as far as KBs go. You will not even notice the difference on your monitor. Beware, if you need the photo for printing or other high resolution purposes, use the "Save As" function instead, so the picture is saved as a separate file. You WILL notice the difference on a print out.

It's really very easy. Most of the images on this web site have been compressed in that manner. Get it down to less than 250 KBs and it will upload to your album.

Happy Compacting!!
Light of the Moon Posted - April 20 2007 : 10:05:12 PM
Originally posted by richfed

You are all set. See the FAQs for a bit of advice, but let me say that you do upload the photos yourself from your PC. It's not the most user-friendly bit of coding I've ever seen, but it does the trick. Log in, go to Photo Album, and slowly feel your way.

Good luck!

Tell me about it! I'm still having problems, Rich! My downloads don't want to resize!
richfed Posted - April 20 2007 : 12:58:48 PM
You are all set. See the FAQs for a bit of advice, but let me say that you do upload the photos yourself from your PC. It's not the most user-friendly bit of coding I've ever seen, but it does the trick. Log in, go to Photo Album, and slowly feel your way.

Good luck!
Kyfrontiersman Posted - April 20 2007 : 11:02:19 AM
OK rich, I'm asking!! Do I send the photos to you, or how do i find out how to add them?
richfed Posted - April 20 2007 : 09:24:19 AM
Simply ask ... I can then set one up for you.

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