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3/11/2025 12:04:40 AM
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
blueotter Posted - March 11 2007 : 9:23:23 PM
I've tried logging in several times, but get a strange error message when I do...

I don't understand, since I've noticed other people have been logging in and posting. Is there something I've done wrong?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blueotter Posted - March 12 2007 : 10:53:09 AM
I got a fairly blank white page with some gobble-dee- gook (probably advanced code!) I couldn't remember if I could get on to post as a visitor or not... so I tried to do that. In that window there were blanks for my username and password, and put them in just in case... and I guess it went through OK. I went back to my usual login page, and tried again, just out of curiosity, and it went through. I didn't change anything on my bookmarked login page... my browser remembers those things, as does the site, I guess.

I dunno. It's a mystery to me! It works fine now!
richfed Posted - March 12 2007 : 08:58:18 AM
Rose -

What is the exact error message that you are getting? Also, how did you log in to post this?

Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 11 2007 : 11:01:44 PM
It happened to me once. I finally had to get a new "name". It has worked OK since then, but I never did figure out what was wrong.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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