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 Redemption - 11 January 1764

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SgtMunro Posted - March 20 2004 : 08:50:17 AM
“Redemption” By Sgt. Munro

Fort Pitt, The Ohio Country

11 January 1764 / 1140 Hours

Smiles of recognition greeted the man who entered the courtroom. A tall and powerful looking individual, who also had an air of compassion about him; his walk was like that of a mountain lion, smooth and silent. Walking toward the witness chair, he paused near Sergeant Munro. Looking into Duncan’s eyes, not in a menacing or challenging manner, but rather to read him; since the eyes are the windows to a man’s soul. Convinced that he must help to right an injustice, Many Flags continued to walk toward the board of officers.

Flags, dressed in a Royal Americans grenadier coat combined with more practical frontier attire, removed his tricorn hat as a salute to the officers of the board. Colonel Bouquet rose from his chair; due to the respect he had for the man in front of him, and returned his salute.

“Herr Many Flags, sir” Colonel Bouquet said, “I am very pleased that you are here. With your help, we should be able to get to truth of the matter before this court.”

“Yes Herr Colonel, I shall relate all that I know.” Many Flags then continued, “But first, I must give these reports to you from my most recent scout. They are for your eyes only.”

“Yes, of course. Thank you again Herr Flags, for yet another job well done.” Colonel Bouquet said as he retrieved the reports and secured them out of view. The colonel then produced a document, made some notations, signed and affixed his official seal. Once this was done, he handed the document to Many Flags, who stowed it securely in his pouch. Afterwards, he then assumed his seat in the witness chair.

Sergeant Munro remembered where he had seen this man before; he was one of the scouts at Bushy Run last August. He never did get his name, since the scouts were far in front of and on the flanks of the main body of the relief field force, the man was never seen by the sergeant before the actual battle. Once the fighting had started, introductions would have to wait; but he did remember how fortunate it was to have him and others like him with the army, at that engagement.

Ensign MacMillan rose from his chair and asked, “Many Flags, the document which Colonel Bouquet just handed to you, what was it?”

Many Flags replied, “It was an official receipt for the scout report I had just submitted to him. It is standard procedure, according to King’s Regulations.”

MacMillan then asked, “Do you receive a receipt for every report you submit to Colonel Bouquet?”

Many Flags answered, “Yes sir, I do.”

Ensign MacMillan then walked over to the clerk’s table and retrieved Crown Exhibit-A, the report and maps that the sergeant had allegedly attempted to pass on to the enemy. He then presented the items of evidence to Many Flags and asked, “Are these your maps and scout report?”

Looking the items over, Many Flags replied, “Yes sir, they are. Except that the date written on the top sheet, and next to my signature, is wrong. I believe that it has been altered by a hand other than my own.”

“For the members of the board, will you please read the date written?” Asked MacMillan.

“Yes sir” Many Flags continued, “The date written is September 17th of 1763.” He then reached into his pouch and produced two documents.

“May I ask,” MacMillan queried, “What are the items you have in your hand?”

“This one,” Many Flags said, holding the first document out to MacMillan, “Is my written orders from Colonel Bouquet to conduct the scout, which is reflected in this report. It is dated September 20th of 1763.” After MacMillan had taken the first document, Many Flags then held out the second one, “And this one is the receipt for turning in the report of the same. It is dated November 14th of 1763.”

Taking the second document, Ensign MacMillan then turned to address the court, “Gentlemen, the defense wishes to enter these items as Defense Exhibits B &
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SgtMunro Posted - March 20 2004 : 09:55:03 AM
P.S.- Twice I have tried to correct the word "document", but it keeps showing as document. Sorry folks, this is a technical problem, and not due to my spelling.

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