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Jayne Posted - April 04 2010 : 8:47:32 PM
Hey, everyone!
I've been missing in action from the board for quite some time (thanks to an 18-month online course that I've managed to drag into a 24-month course Any computer time is pretty much school. I suppose I'm probably one of the last computer owners in existence who is still avoiding temptations of Facebook.

Anyway...I can't stand NOT mentioning that my town is going crazy right now!! I live 5 mins away from Butler campus, and I can tell you things are jumpin around here! Just an amazing amount of energy and excitement. The team managed to beat my birth-state team last night, and now they're up against a team from one of my most favorite states of all!! Of course, I HAVE to cheer for my hometown team. So GO DAWGS!

One excited Indy lady!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Obediah Posted - April 28 2010 : 5:48:11 PM
Now, if only the NCAA would have the cojones to put a playoff in place for Div. I (or whatever they call it now) football! Hey, every other level of football (from Pop Warner to NFL) has it! I loathe the BcS! [/rant=off]
Jayne Posted - April 06 2010 : 9:57:27 PM
It really was a hard-fought game, wasn't it? A real nail biter! I don't blame you one bit for cheering on your alma mater, GG!! Won't hold it against you, my friend.

I drove through Butler campus today. A pretty subdued place compared to a few days ago! But everyone is really proud. Losing to Duke by only 2 points - not bad!

Of course, Seamus, The Dawgs will be back!
Seamus Posted - April 06 2010 : 2:28:38 PM
Great game...those Butler boys did themselves and their school proud! While I lean hard to Duke, I would not have upset to see Butler win. Coach K showed what a class act he is when he went and spoke with each Butler player afterwards, and his praise of them in the interview was another example of his class. It was genuine, not the canned , "say what you are supposed to say" cliched stuff we so often hear.

The Bulldogs will be back.
Monadnock Guide Posted - April 06 2010 : 1:19:14 PM
This is an outcome you liked - yes???
Gadget Girl Posted - April 06 2010 : 1:15:31 PM
WHAT A GAME!!! I would not have begrudged Butler the championship one bit - especially if that last Hail Mary by Heyward would have dropped (CLOSE!). Glad DUKE won, but what a great season for the Butler guys!

Loved the fact that the two Academic All-Americans in the game played for Butler, not Duke!

Gadget Girl Posted - April 05 2010 : 12:16:36 AM

I am always a sucker for a Cinderella team - although one can hardly call 25 straight wins cinderella-like! HOWEVER - I graduated from Duke and THEREFORE will be pulling just a bit harder for those Blue Devils!


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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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