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 Tartan Cupcakes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bookworm Posted - April 16 2008 : 07:46:28 AM
Here's an item that appeared in the weekly food column in today's Harrisburg Patriot-News:

Cute cupcakes

Linda Hagenbuch's tartan cupcakes were so cute, they captured the attention of "The Martha Stewart Show." The Carroll Twp. woman's fondant-topped designs were named one of the top 10 cutest cupcakes in a nationwide contest sponsored by Martha Stewart's daily television show. Cupcakes were judged by appearance, not taste.

Hagenbuch, an earth science and algebra teacher at Susquenita High School, said her designs were inspired by a kilt she recently made for her husband, Mark, who is involved in re-enacting. He is principal at South Mountain Elementary School in Dillsburg.

The prize is a Martha Stewart cupcake tree from Macy's.

Mark Hagenbuch is, of course, our very own Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam and Many Flags. It's the Scottish serjeant who enjoys tartan cupcakes, I'm guessing. Wonder what sort of cupcakes one makes for Many Flags?

Anyway, congratulations to Mrs. Hagenbuch! And -- what's a cupcake tree?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blackfootblood Posted - April 18 2008 : 10:19:06 AM
OMG, do they look delicious!! I'm sure that took some time to decorate them, patience and lots of it!
Light of the Moon Posted - April 17 2008 : 9:03:11 PM
Ok, I just gained 10 lbs for looking!
RedFraggle Posted - April 17 2008 : 08:38:12 AM
Awww, those are cute! Kilted cupcakes. Even though I don't know her, I have to say congrats, Linda!
Gadget Girl Posted - April 16 2008 : 9:42:42 PM
Way to go, WW! Those are TOO cute - they look like they have little kilty wrappers too.

Looking at cupcakes on a low carb diet is just torture!
Wilderness Woman Posted - April 16 2008 : 8:31:47 PM
And here are the tartan cupcakes. I snitched the photo off of Martha's website. Congratulations to Linda!

Btw, there are a bunch of really cute ones that were submitted. If you Google "Martha Stewart Cupcake Contest" you will find the link to the photo gallery.

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Gadget Girl Posted - April 16 2008 : 08:03:19 AM
That is SO cool! PICTURES MARK....please?

I think a cupcake tree is a tiered metal rack (in the shape of a tree) with rings that hold cupcakes

Here is a pic - I googled it

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Congratulations to LINDA!!!

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