T O P I C R E V I E W |
RedFraggle |
Posted - March 27 2008 : 10:33:47 AM Hello, Mohicanland!
There hasn't been much happening on the boards lately, so just for fun I thought I'd ask a question that might generate some entertaining answers. I'm wondering: what are people's pet peeves? Is there anything that really annoys you, even for no good reason? Here's a chance to rant about it and maybe find other people who are just as annoyed as you about the same thing.
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
caitlin |
Posted - May 03 2008 : 5:46:20 PM Arggh! Just had this happen again... "your" used incorrectly! Often "you're" should be used. |
Obediah |
Posted - May 01 2008 : 10:17:09 AM I think there's two possible replies to these dimwits:
1) "Eat it or starve!"
2) "STFU"
...or both together... |
RedFraggle |
Posted - May 01 2008 : 08:37:26 AM After seeing Obi's post about vegans (hee hee ) I just thought of another pet peeve: vegans who act like martyrs and feel called on to sulk at any and all food-related functions. Now, there's nothing wrong with being vegan if that's your thing, but to throw it in everyone else's face to try to make others feel guilty is.
Example: There are several vegans in my department at school who come to every departmental dinner and groan because the salad has cheese crumbles or the bread probably has eggs in it or the wine is in bottles made out of fish bladders. They typically get plates and stand over the buffet table proclaiming that they just can't eat anything on it, and end up eating the radishes or lettuce used as a garnish on the fruit or salad plates. (The fruit itself is off-limits because it's usually on a tray with cheese.) Next up is whining about how hungry they are and how absurd it is that they can't eat anything at the dinner. Then, because they don't have cars, they convince someone else at the dinner to take them home early or to a restaurant where they can get vegan-friendly food.
My question is: if you know you won't be able to eat the food provided, why bother to come and make a big spectacle of yourself? Just stay home!
blackfootblood |
Posted - April 29 2008 : 12:55:37 PM "Like OMFG, no she didn't!"
All I have to say is that I, 100%, agree with the terrible misuse of the English language.
Wilderness Woman |
Posted - April 29 2008 : 12:27:02 PM quote: Originally posted by Obediah
I drives me crazy to hear people say "went" when they mean "said." 
Such as:
BAD: "I went 'duh!'" GOOD: "I said 'duh!'"
Agreed! Or... "So I'm like 'duh!'" |
Wilderness Woman |
Posted - April 29 2008 : 12:24:26 PM There is something people who live in my area say that makes me crazy. They turn a positive into a negative in certain situations.
For example, when they should be saying, "So do I" they actually say "So don't I!" Or "So didn't she" when they mean "So did she."
Is this done anywhere else in the country besides the Southern Tier of New York State? |
Obediah |
Posted - April 28 2008 : 8:59:12 PM I drives me crazy to hear people say "went" when they mean "said." 
Such as:
BAD: "I went 'duh!'" GOOD: "I said 'duh!'" |
UncasLover13 |
Posted - April 28 2008 : 8:49:03 PM Haha, I know what you mean RedFraggle. I'm into English and good grammar is a big thing for me. When I hear people talk in such unbelievably idiotic ways, I can FEEL the anger building inside of me. Grrr. I'm glad you share my annoyance a bit. It makes me feel less crazy, haha. |
RedFraggle |
Posted - April 28 2008 : 8:21:36 PM quote: Originally posted by UncasLover13
How about when people use the word 'literally' incorrectly?
It is often funny when people use "literally" in sentences where it doesn't make sense. Another language-related pet peeve: slang that makes people sound absolutely vapid. Take, for instance, this snippet from a conversation I heard among three sorority girls on the bus on my way to class:
Girl 1: Ommigod, did you, like, see Brandi the other night? She was, like, so drunk. Girl 2: Ommigod, so tots. Girl 3: Ommigod, yeah, it was, like ridic.
Every sentence spoken by any of the three started with "ommigod" and if I had a nickel for every time they said "like" I could probably buy a medium-sized tropical island. Never mind "tots" and "ridic."
I literally think my brain shrank just from listening. (Heh heh . . . just messing with you, UL13. )
(Oh, and for anyone wondering what "tots," with a long o, is, it's short for "totally." ) |
UncasLover13 |
Posted - April 27 2008 : 6:08:19 PM How about when people use the word 'literally' incorrectly? It makes me want to flip out. I can't count the times I hear people say, "I literally froze to death." Oh really? If that was the case, you wouldn't be talking to me right this very moment. My Chem teacher ALWAYS uses it incorrectly & if that doesn't irk me enough, she normally says it atleast 5 times a class...my friends and I have a tally going. |
RedFraggle |
Posted - April 26 2008 : 12:05:14 AM quote: Originally posted by caitlin
Well, I think the ultimate pet peeve right now are gas prices. I heard on the Today show that by this time next year or earlier that we will be paying $5 a gallon! Lord help us....
$75 to fill up my VW Beetle?!? And on a student budget?!? Gasp. |
caitlin |
Posted - April 25 2008 : 8:56:05 PM Well, I think the ultimate pet peeve right now are gas prices. I heard on the Today show that by this time next year or earlier that we will be paying $5 a gallon! Lord help us.... |
Seamus |
Posted - April 11 2008 : 12:11:12 PM The operative word here, WW is "heard".....I cannot put them in print because of the family nature of this Board!
Right on, Obi....Groaners are the best kind! |
Obediah |
Posted - April 11 2008 : 11:23:56 AM Groaners are the best kind!  |
Wilderness Woman |
Posted - April 11 2008 : 10:57:38 AM Nah! I've heard lots better from Seamus. Lots! That one was a real Groaner!
Seamus |
Posted - April 11 2008 : 05:45:32 AM Yeah....what MG said! |
Monadnock Guide |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 7:53:23 PM Hey WW, - no picking on Seamus now, that was pretty good!!! ;) |
Wilderness Woman |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 7:13:09 PM That's pretty pathetic, isn't it? 
Oh... and so was your joke, Seamus.  |
Monadnock Guide |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 5:16:31 PM Speaking of such things, ... a few years ago my brother and his wife were in a restaurant down on Cape Cod, when a thunderstorm came through, and knocked out the power. Candles were lit etc. by the restaurant staff - and everything was fine. When it came time to leave, still no power, - the girl at the register didn't have a clue about how to make change. The manager had to cash folks out that were leaving. |
Seamus |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 12:55:43 PM Red, I think you answered your own question:
"Which brings me to another pet peeve . . . UTTER STUPIDITY!"
(Is that a dumb cow??? Wait a minute...that's 'uDDer'....)('udder', meaning cow bag, not double 'D's'... !-)
RedFraggle |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 10:31:55 AM quote: Originally posted by Seamus
Don't they teach kids how to make change anymore in school??
I don't think kids are taught anything in school anymore, at least not anything practical. When I worked retail a few summers ago I had to spend nearly ten minutes explaining how to calculate sales tax to a co-worker, who kept insisting that an 8% tax means adding 0.8 to any purchase. This same co-worker was also surprised to discover that she was 6 months pregnant. She had had no idea before. How does that happen? 
Which brings me to another pet peeve . . . UTTER STUPIDITY! I'll admit having a deep ignorance about a lot of things, but to know absolutely nothin' about absolutely nothin' is just inexcusable!
And BTW, Blackie, "fart in a tin can"? LOL!  |
caitlin |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 10:31:25 AM What about people who say, "this milk tastes spoiled...here, taste this" or "this smells funny...here, smell this"  |
Monadnock Guide |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 09:34:56 AM Excellent point seamus, - I'll call my state rep and have him introduce a bill requiring all flying turkeys to wear a helmet. Perhaps it would also help insects hitting windshields. Gawd only knows the damage and suffering inflicted on them by heartless motorists. |
Seamus |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 09:21:14 AM Maybe the turkey would have survived if he was wearing a helmet! |
Monadnock Guide |
Posted - April 10 2008 : 07:33:26 AM http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Biker+survives+collision+with+turkey&articleId=1b30d1e2-9e78-47b6-93c9-a9f7bc72126b |