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 Happy Birthday Kirachi

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Irishgirl Posted - March 05 2008 : 09:15:07 AM
Just noticed it is your "big day" today girly so hope you have a wonderful time doing whatever it is you like to do (besides work of course)

Have a great one
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Light of the Moon Posted - March 19 2008 : 3:06:43 PM
Sorry I missed it Kirachi! Things here are crazy, as you know! Hope it was a great day for you!!!!!

winglo Posted - March 13 2008 : 1:33:12 PM
Very nice outfit, Kirachi. Sounds like you had a great time.
Kirachi Posted - March 13 2008 : 06:15:53 AM
Thanks Blackfoot!
blackfootblood Posted - March 12 2008 : 2:37:39 PM
I must say Kirachi, you sure do look like the actress that played your character. WoW!!! Great outfit, loved it!!
Kyfrontiersman Posted - March 10 2008 : 5:32:24 PM
Sounds fun Kirachi.
Kirachi Posted - March 10 2008 : 3:43:59 PM
I didn't make the costume as I'm not so good at making corsets yet and I tend to sew a lot by I didn't have enough time and roped a friend who makes stunning corsets to whip me up one at the last minute.

My other half did indeed dress up as Mr. Todd, but he's very shy about anyone seeing his photos.

We didn't serve meat pies but I did make some fake pies with fake severed fingers lol
Irishgirl Posted - March 10 2008 : 3:04:00 PM
Just wonderingif you served any meat pies
Kyfrontiersman Posted - March 10 2008 : 12:27:17 PM
Wow, ye indeed look lovely Kirachi. Did you make that?
Irishgirl Posted - March 10 2008 : 09:12:07 AM
Kirachi you sure do look the part. You could be her twin if only you had Sweeney on your arm. Course you did say the boyfriend was dressing up as him. How'd that turn out? Hope you had a great party.
RedFraggle Posted - March 10 2008 : 08:57:50 AM
Great costume, Kirachi! Did you make it?

And happy birthday, by the way. I guess it's pretty belated at this point, but better late then never, right? That's what I get for not signing on in a few days!
Kirachi Posted - March 10 2008 : 08:14:19 AM
I certainly did thanks Winglo. Paid for it the next day with a headache and a lot of mess to clean up.
There were so many odd costumes (wish I could post pics of them but don't think my friends would be too happy) there was an X-man, pirates, bull was a very odd asortment.

Well here is a pic of me in my Mrs Lovett outfit

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winglo Posted - March 09 2008 : 11:27:10 AM
So, Kirachi, how was the party? Hope you had a great time!
Kyfrontiersman Posted - March 08 2008 : 11:16:42 AM
I would indeed love to see a picture of you in the Clout.
Kirachi Posted - March 08 2008 : 05:42:27 AM
Originally posted by Kyfrontiersman

But are you going to wear a breechclout?

Hmm I'll think about it
Little Lady of Fire Posted - March 07 2008 : 9:38:17 PM
Happy Belated Birthday.
Kyfrontiersman Posted - March 07 2008 : 8:21:05 PM
But are you going to wear a breechclout?
Kirachi Posted - March 07 2008 : 05:58:39 AM
I am going as Mrs Lovett and my other half as Sweeney Todd
Kyfrontiersman Posted - March 06 2008 : 6:28:57 PM
More importantly, what are you going as?
Kirachi Posted - March 06 2008 : 4:59:11 PM
Originally posted by Kyfrontiersman

'Fancy Dress'? Bet she means leave the breechclouts at home,
and men must wear breeches?

I'll try to post some pics of the party if I can, I actually have no idea what anyone is coming as they won't tell me!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 06 2008 : 09:11:44 AM
Originally posted by Kyfrontiersman

'Fancy Dress'? Bet she means leave the breechclouts at home

Or maybe just wear a clean one?
Kyfrontiersman Posted - March 06 2008 : 08:37:15 AM
'Fancy Dress'? Bet she means leave the breechclouts at home,
and men must wear breeches?
Stephanie Posted - March 06 2008 : 07:14:07 AM
Happy Birthday! Isn't that fun when you get to spread it out over several days? Hope it's a great one!
Kirachi Posted - March 06 2008 : 07:05:00 AM
Awwww Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes!
I actually had the day off so I did a little shopping and ended up coming back late, eating too much pizza, opening a few very nice presents and watching the movie "It Waits" on the horror was not very good but did have our own dear Eric in a small role.

My big party (I haven't had a party since I was 11!) is on Saturday and I've insisted all the guests come in fancy dress! should be fun and amusing

caitlin Posted - March 05 2008 : 5:13:22 PM

Happy Birthday!
winglo Posted - March 05 2008 : 2:06:50 PM
Happy birthday, friend! Hope it is a great day and a great year for you!

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