The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!]
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3/12/2025 7:54:26 AM
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 Happy Birthday Theresa!

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Angel [@)-] Angry [:(!] Applause [h-h] Approve [^]
bash a buddy [B/-] Bat [~|~] Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)]
Blush [:I] BS [(bs!)] cheers [C:-)] Clover [%@]
Clown [:o)] coffee time [CT:;] computer woes {CW:_(} confused [@@]
Cool [8D] coy I-) Dead [xx(] Disapprove [V]
Drooling ~P+ Eight Ball [8] envy =:-) Evil [}:)]
eye popper [W((^] Flag [fwf] Happy Birthday [|!b!|] Headscratcher [hs:)]
Heart [{I}] I am a COW!! 3:-0 I Love You [x:)x!] idea [I!!))]
Innocent [{i}] jump for joy [J%%] Kiss [xx:)xx] Kisses [:X]
nerd :B paying homage [bow()] Pink Ribbon [&!] Question [?]
Rainbow [(((((] really big smile :-)) Red Lips [(K)] rose @;-
Sad [:(] Shame [0^^0] Shock [:O] Shrug [M/M]
Shy [8)] Sleepy [|)] Smile [:)] Smooch [x-x-]
Soapbox ~[]~ Sorry [i~ms~] spy [<:)] Swoon [xx~x]
Tongue [:P] waaaa :-(( wave [W;)] Weird Thread [w~~~]
Wink [;)] Yes, Master! [!m!]    

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
blackfootblood Posted - February 27 2008 : 12:44:56 PM
Oh my, have we missed your birthday?!?! Well here is a belated but a very Happy Birthday wish just for you!! Hope you had a special day!!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Karen W Posted - March 02 2008 : 12:13:05 PM
Hi Theresa! Add me to the belated birthday wishes list! I hope you had a wonderful day and have many, many, many more. I feel the same way about birthdays that you do...glad to see each one. Best wishes to you and Claude and hope to see you in June.
Theresa Posted - March 01 2008 : 07:37:37 AM
Aww, thanks. We're in a "wait and see" mode at the moment. I'd love to come a see everybody is always a grand time.
Stephanie Posted - February 29 2008 : 1:56:23 PM
By the way Theresa, I hope you and Claude can make the Gathering this year. You were both missed in 2006!
Christina Posted - February 29 2008 : 09:12:54 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THERESA! Sorry for the belated greetings but I hope it was wonderful and the next year brings you happiness and many blessings!!!
Stephanie Posted - February 29 2008 : 08:29:04 AM
Happy Birthday to Mohicanland's Southern Belle!
Little Lady of Fire Posted - February 28 2008 : 11:39:10 PM
Happy Belated Birthday
Jayne Posted - February 28 2008 : 10:39:07 PM

and here's to many more! Yer still a youngin' as far as I'm concerned! (Not too far behind ya!)


GG - Puerto Rico??? Hope those sunglasses are coming in handy!
Gadget Girl Posted - February 28 2008 : 2:16:56 PM

I am in Puerto Rico right now and my brain is on vacation....
Obediah Posted - February 28 2008 : 10:17:02 AM
Remember, birthdays are a good thing...the more you have, the longer you live!
RedFraggle Posted - February 28 2008 : 08:14:49 AM
Rats! I missed it too. Happy birthday, and many more to come!
Theresa Posted - February 28 2008 : 07:28:49 AM much for trying to sneak one by! Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. I'm just so proud to have had one and as far as I'm concerned, I hope they keep on coming...56 and counting! (skipping away in a young-girl manner)
Kirachi Posted - February 28 2008 : 05:26:26 AM
Oh dear I missed it too!
I hope you had a great day Theresa!
Diane B. Posted - February 27 2008 : 9:52:19 PM
I would like to add my best wishes for a very to one of the grandest ladies in all of Mohicanland (who also happens to be my very first "Board Buddy")!

Theresa, you help make this place as special as YOU are & I wish you all the best on your birthday and for many, many years to come!


Rattlesnake Woman
Kaylynn44 Posted - February 27 2008 : 9:40:01 PM
Sorry that I missed it, but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Theresa!!!!

Obediah Posted - February 27 2008 : 3:02:24 PM
T! You are such a fount of wisdom.
caitlin Posted - February 27 2008 : 1:25:47 PM

Belated Happy Birthday!
Wilderness Woman Posted - February 27 2008 : 12:48:31 PM
Oh gosh! How did that happen? So sorry, Theresa.

I hope that you had a very....

Happy, Happy Birthday!

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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