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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Obediah Posted - July 11 2007 : 8:08:03 PM
If you're a Democrat, this just might be what you need...
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
susquesus Posted - July 20 2007 : 12:16:27 AM
Right on Light.
Wilderness Woman Posted - July 19 2007 : 10:37:24 PM
Topic moved to The Lion's Den.

Go easy, guys.
winglo Posted - July 19 2007 : 7:50:50 PM
I agree with LOTM. I am sorry that this dipped into name calling. How can issues be debated if people are not focusing on the issues, but on how much they can insult the other party? Stick to the issues. And there really isn't one here.
Kaylynn44 Posted - July 19 2007 : 7:29:09 PM
You go girl!!!

Light of the Moon Posted - July 19 2007 : 1:15:19 PM
Originally posted by Seamus

That is fine, LOTM, just remember to accept the blame graciously when you DUMBOCRATS completely screw up AMERICA! You are on track to do so......

Actually, I'm not democratic, nor am I republican. I am of the neutral party since I cannot agree wholeheartedly with either party. They both like to talk with "forked tongues". I vote for the best possible candidate, which is usually the lesser of two evils. They lie so much during their campaigns you can't tell what you're really going to get.

I just don't appreciate the parties slamming (not joking) each other since it is our nations right to side one way or the other. So why rip on others for doing something they have the liberty to do? It's stupid and makes no sense, not to mention immature. Name calling over differences is something children do. As adults we should be able to behave as such in handling political issues.

I do apologize for being so blunt, I don't mean to offend or attack. It's just the way I see it.

And both republicans and democrats have done their fare share of "screwing up" the country. To admit that is only fair.

And I am not on the road to screwing up America. Look to Senate, Congress, and the President for that. They are the ones who decided on issues and share the right to veto. We, as citizens, merely state our issues, address them and excersize them under our rights - the rest is up to them. Not always the best but under the system our forefathers set up it's what we've got.

Anyway, this thread wasn't intended to be a political debate or attack room. It was geared to having a small laugh to lighten the day and yes, I share laughter from jokes equally on both sides.

Irishgirl Posted - July 19 2007 : 08:15:39 AM
Originally posted by Seamus

That is fine, LOTM, just remember to accept the blame graciously when you DUMBOCRATS completely screw up AMERICA! You are on track to do so......

Bravo Seamus
Obediah Posted - July 19 2007 : 08:13:26 AM
Repeat after me: K - E - N - N - E - D - Y
Monadnock Guide Posted - July 19 2007 : 07:17:52 AM
I wonder, - how many other folks would have lost their license for one year as a result of "leaving the scene" of a fatal accident - and not reporting it for 9 hours? Until after you talked with your lawyer - before letting the cops in on your little secret? Mmmmm, can anyone say 7 to 10 years?
Seamus Posted - July 19 2007 : 03:12:13 AM
Yesterday was the anniversary date of the Kennedy swim party............
Obediah Posted - July 19 2007 : 12:38:31 AM
Or, as Teddy Kennedy told Mary Jo Kopechne after she told him she might be pregnant: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
Kaylynn44 Posted - July 18 2007 : 10:36:17 PM
You are so observant. Most people don't notice, but Teddy cushions their blow as they come over.

Monadnock Guide Posted - July 18 2007 : 8:51:21 PM
Kay - was that Ted Kennedy in the background helping "those folks" over the fence? ;)
Seamus Posted - July 18 2007 : 8:28:34 PM
That is fine, LOTM, just remember to accept the blame graciously when you DUMBOCRATS completely screw up AMERICA! You are on track to do so......
Kaylynn44 Posted - July 18 2007 : 2:58:08 PM
I got a chuckle out of that YouTube video, but I fell on the floor laughing when I saw this one.


PS Fitz, I agree with you wholeheartedly!!!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - July 18 2007 : 1:22:14 PM
I never said it did! Personally I think the most accurate oxymoron in the English language is "honest politician."

Well, I don't know about everywhere else, but down here in SC we have the best politicians money can buy!
Obediah Posted - July 18 2007 : 12:12:08 PM
Originally posted by Light of the Moon

And I'm not a Re-puke-lican.

Being democratic doesn't make one "dumb". Being Republican doesn't make one puke-ish. Both sides have their pros and cons. But I didn't post to debate political parties.

Just didn't appreciate the slam against the democrats. They're entitled to their views as much as the republicans.

But I do like the video!

I never said it did! Personally I think the most accurate oxymoron in the English language is "honest politician."
Light of the Moon Posted - July 18 2007 : 10:01:54 AM
And I'm not a Re-puke-lican.

Being democratic doesn't make one "dumb". Being Republican doesn't make one puke-ish. Both sides have their pros and cons. But I didn't post to debate political parties.

Just didn't appreciate the slam against the democrats. They're entitled to their views as much as the republicans.

But I do like the video!
RedFraggle Posted - July 11 2007 : 10:44:55 PM
I think I posted this video in the thread about politicians . . . but it's good to see it again. Hee hee!
Seamus Posted - July 11 2007 : 10:12:37 PM
I am definitely not a Dumbocrat, Obi, but this is terrific! I have sent to some of my friends who could use a shot of it, though!!


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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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