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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Monadnock Guide Posted - March 15 2007 : 8:27:00 PM
Looks like another 10" to 15" of "global warming" closing in during the next 36 hours. There definitely is a G*d ... ;)
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RedFraggle Posted - March 20 2007 : 3:01:28 PM
I think Lubbock's too dry to be an armpit, the sort of place where tumbleweeds actually blow through downtown and dust funnels spin in the streets. (No, I'm not exaggerating.) Houston's always muggy and gross. Much more like an armpit!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - March 20 2007 : 11:19:59 AM
I always heard the armpit of Texas was Lubbock.
RedFraggle Posted - March 20 2007 : 07:21:55 AM
Originally posted by Obediah

WW, I live in Madera, about 20 miles N of Fresno. I'm sure everyone has heard of Fresno "the armpit of California."

That's funny . . . I'm from Houston, the "armpit of Texas." Or so I've heard it described by several of my northerner friends. Everyone always asks me, "Is it always that hot and humid there?" The answer? Yes!

Obediah Posted - March 20 2007 : 12:54:04 AM
MG, in about 2 more months, I'll be ready to FF to October too!

WW, I live in Madera, about 20 miles N of Fresno. I'm sure everyone has heard of Fresno "the armpit of California."

Light, I know you hate me, but I didn't realize it was because of where I live; I thought it was because I always win our little battles of wit!!

And on a final note, I'm not too sure about this 'global warming' hoohah. Using very simple logic, if Al Gore says there is such a thing, then most likely there isn't. For a much different view on this subject, I recommend you all read Michael Crighton's 'State of Fear.'
Monadnock Guide Posted - March 19 2007 : 07:48:16 AM
Another 4" of "global warming" due tonight, - couldn't ask for more. Well, I guess ya' could, but have to take what we get. It beats "hot & sweaty" by a zillion miles, to each its' own. ;) Fuel price vary around the country by the dealer/contractor and state taxes, Hawaii is the highest I believe. It is warming up in places, and cooling in places, - the world'd weather has been in flux since it's origin, that's nothing new.
paazau Posted - March 19 2007 : 12:23:10 AM
I have to agree with the southerners on this one. Having grown up in snow country (PA), then moving to AZ, then going back to live in snow country (VA), I have decided I definitely like the warmer weather. Ah, if only i could afford two homes - one in the states and one here I could have an Endless Summer!! Having said that, I loved growing up with the snow; i have great memories of sled-riding and building snowmen and snowforts. It definitely is NOT so nice to have to drive to work in though, even with chains and snow tires etc etc etc. I'll be a snow-bird in reverse - go north to visit the snow for a week or so! (well, south actually down here but i know what I mean)

I don't know MG, something's causing everybody's weird weather. It may have taken 10,000 years for that 100 feet of ice to disappear, but I will wager it won't take another 10,000 for another 100 feet (somewhere else) to disappear.

As for gas and gas prices, I was amazed when I was last in AZ - I didn't see ANY stations that sold LPG. It's available at every station here. And it'd wanna be - our prices are nearly quadruple what yours are - thanks to the exorbitant tax rate on fuel. My 4x4 is diesel - couldn't afford to run it on petrol. Today diesel is selling for $1.265 / litre; unleaded is $1.219/litre; LPG is $0.537/litre. Despite that, this a great place to live.
RedFraggle Posted - March 16 2007 : 9:07:04 PM
Originally posted by Light of the Moon

[quote]Once I finish college I'm going south again and staying there!

Amen to that! Once I finish college, I hope to stay in the South. I'm from the part of Texas where it's usually 70 degrees and sunny on Christmas day. North Carolina is the farthest north I've ever lived, and our few days of snow this year were nice, but I was ready for it to end real soon!

I don't think I've ever felt weather colder than about 22 degrees, and I could never deal with mounds of snow, snow shoes, snow tires, or pretty much anything dealing with snow. I'm definitely a warm weather girl!
Monadnock Guide Posted - March 16 2007 : 6:34:22 PM
Mmmm, - tempting ;)
Light of the Moon Posted - March 16 2007 : 6:33:53 PM
Originally posted by Obediah

I can't tell ya'll just how sorry I am for in central Kalifornia, the temp is in the mid to high 80's. All together now ... "Awwwwwww."

I hate you!

Here in KY the highest has been 72. But then the next day (which was yesterday) 42.
One of the reasons why I hate Cincin-nasty but I don't envy the NE at all!
Once I finish college I'm going south again and staying there!
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 16 2007 : 6:11:27 PM
Originally posted by Monadnock Guide

WW - I kinda flipped a coin to see where to put this, between "News" and the "Lion's Den" - guess who won? ... ;)

Probably a wise decision. You also could have opened up the whole religion can of worms!
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 16 2007 : 6:10:11 PM
Originally posted by Obediah

I can't tell ya'll just how sorry I am for in central Kalifornia, the temp is in the mid to high 80's. All together now ... "Awwwwwww."

No thank you! Been there... done that. Don't ever want to live there again, thank you very much.

Where in Central Cal are you, Obi?
Monadnock Guide Posted - March 16 2007 : 4:50:58 PM
Obe, - I couldn't live two weeks where you live. Too damn hot & sunny, I love the winter. If I could I'd "fast-forward" to October today. Snowing like a sob right now, hope it contunues until July 4th at least - 4X's are kinda handy. ;)
GG - I hear ya', - there's "someting great" about a snow storm - enjoy.
Caitlin, - the oil companies don't set the price of oil, although they may benefit when the prices are high. They don't do so hot when the price is down, but that seldom gets any attention. Thye "futures" market determines the price, based on a number of things. .... As for "global warming" that's more of a political issue than a science issue. Those that want "more government" are "very fond" of the issue. Where I live now, 10,000 years ago, was under about 100 ft. of ice. It's not there any longer, - NOW that's "global warming"!! And SUV's and light bulbs had nothing to do with it. ;)
WW - I kinda flipped a coin to see where to put this, between "News" and the "Lion's Den" - guess who won? ... ;)
caitlin Posted - March 16 2007 : 1:19:09 PM
Originally posted by Obediah

I can't tell ya'll just how sorry I am for in central Kalifornia, the temp is in the mid to high 80's. All together now ... "Awwwwwww."

It's been weirder than heck out here in AZ. Colder temps than normal and now higher temps than normal... we just don't seem to get a break! I am a firm believer that global warming is an issue. I'm just worried for my kids because they didn't ask for this stuff.

And what about these gas prices?.. AGAIN!
Gadget Girl Posted - March 16 2007 : 12:40:07 PM
I am in NYC this weekend - glad I already had gotten here as the airports are closed. I will just enjoy the scene from my 29th floor window in Times Square in between meetings. We didn't get any snow down my way this year - so I am LOVIN' it!

Obediah Posted - March 16 2007 : 12:26:06 PM
I can't tell ya'll just how sorry I am for in central Kalifornia, the temp is in the mid to high 80's. All together now ... "Awwwwwww."
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 16 2007 : 10:27:18 AM
Yes, we are supposed to get anywhere from 4 to 12 inches, depending upon which weatherman you choose to believe. I don't do snowshoes, but my snow shovel still sits on my front porch...

I'm curious as to why you posted this in the Lion's Den, MG? Thinking to stir up the ol' Global Warming brew?
Monadnock Guide Posted - March 15 2007 : 8:50:00 PM
I'm keeping 'em close at hand, getting kinda ichy. Next week should be great. Truth is, I took 'em out of the ol' 4X (oh, bad carbon foot print ;) ) two days ago, but putting 'em back won't be a problem. ;)
Seamus Posted - March 15 2007 : 8:40:05 PM
YEP!! Don't put the ol' snowshoes away just yet! I haven't......

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