Day Five ... The Mohican Finale at The
French Broads

Dang! A Gathering and I wasn't even
there!!! Let me tell you all, it was a strange experience putting these
pages together. It was absolutely great seeing all you old friends
coming to life again in familiar places. But you know what really
tickled me? After sorting the photos; cropping & editing for hours, I truly feel like I
got to know you newbies very well. And a fine bunch you appear to be!
Maybe I'll meet you some day. To
my Gathering One organizing compatriots [who were not there - Marcia,
Myrrh, Jo, Chris, Carol and Lainey] - ya did so very well in starting all this! [Do
see the first Gathering Page!] Steph, I want
to thank you from the bottom of my heart for persevering through it all
and keeping this going!! It may be fun, but I know it ain't always easy!
....... Rich, September 2006 |
photos courtesy of Michael & Connie Casey, April Ferguson,
Gera Girard, Stephanie Morrow, and Diana Strickland |
The 2006 Great Mohican Gathering was organized by Stephanie Morrow,
Diana Strickland, and Kay Dennis, with special assistance from Rich
Federici and Eric Hurley. We wish to thank Mac Schaefer, Harry
Chadwick, and the French Broad Rifles for their hospitality. The
beautiful program guide cover was created by J. Mariani (aka Daire).
Visit Daire at . T-shirts were designed and ordered by Sharon
Hurley. Special thanks to our guests of honor: Eric Hurley, Bo Taylor,
and Gera Girard.
Thanks to each and every one of you for providing inspiration! |
The 2006 Program Guide
was produced by:

3 Little Piggies Productions:
Daire, Stephanie M.
and Sarah Z.,
with contributions by
Rich Federici,
Donna Deslauriers, Mary G., and Jo Tishler.
Most images from
Mohican Press.
Thanks to all who
contributed! |
didn?t you leave when you had the chance?
Because what I?m interested in is right here?? |
