Coin jingling in the forest & such...

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Posted by A Shadow still unseen or it'd lose its scalp! on February 28, 2000 at 01:14:59:

Overheard in a small hidden clearing in the woods....


"Ahhhh, whad a ples'unt sound ta' th' ear, tis' bag of coin!"

"'n they's dont know thad th' stolen rum ah' sold at th' back door uv' Bummpo's was slah'tly emptied 'n' refilled wit' kerosene 'n' gunpowder! Stretch mah' profits abit further.
Jes' 'ope theys dont breath on any open flames after drinkin',
woul't be a shame fer' Bummpo's ta' go up'n flames, woul't really put a damper on mah' trade..."
[evil chuckling]

[movement in the trees, proceeded by a foul stench]

"Mah' bru'der Mingos! Welcom'!
Ah' see's y'all 'ave th' skunk oil fer' me..."

[cannot make out the Mingo's reply, do not understand their tongue]

"Ah's 'ave th' trade goods fer' ya' here....
'n' ah'll throw in tis' cask of rum!"
[more chuckling]

[the Mingo leader speaks to Girty]

"Wha's thad?' Sheriff? He about stumbled upon our hidin' spot fer' th' skunk oil?
Y'all about caught him but he got away, eh?
Y'all catch 'n' skelp him, 'n' I'll see to it y'all receives sum' top notch muskets..."

[everyone seems happy, & part company]

"Ah'll meet up wit' y'all in'na few days, Ahs headin' over ta' th' corn crib ta' hide this skunk oil 'n' lay low fer' spell..."

[Girty leaves for Miss Marcia's, the Mingos vanish into the shadows]

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