Re: Oh, My Aching Head!

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Posted by Doc M on February 22, 2000 at 09:25:57:

In Reply to: Oh, My Aching Head! posted by Miss Marcia on February 22, 2000 at 08:53:06:

: *moan, mumble, groan*

: Lands sake, I do believe I must be coming down with a bit of the mizries or the rheumatiz or some such thing. My head hurts to beat all! I cannot imagine why, though I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Miss Katie and I got a mite carried away at our teaparty the other day. It was unseasonably warm out, and we both thought it would be nice to set a spell on the verandah, and enjoy some of my famous Mint Juleps. I was most surprised this morning to notice that she and I managed to finish the entire BATCH in that one afternoon! In that I think about it, I can't remember much of anything BEYOND that afternoon...let's see, what day is it today? Tuesday? Well, I swan! Where has the time gone, and why am I still wearing the same blue calico dress I had on when Miss Katie dropped in? And why in tarnation does my head still hurt so??

: Maybe I better sit down and study on this a bit, while I sip some VERY strong tea to clear my muzzy head. I seem to have lost two whole days an' a bit! It's beginning to come back to me...I was supposed to go out and check the corn crib. I seem to recollect that the night before Miss Katie's visit, there had been a terrible ruckus out that way that had interrupted my sleep. All sorts of strange noises, including one that sounded a coughing, stranging, yowling DOG! Soon's my head calms down a tad, I'll mosey out thataway, and see if there's any clues about to clear up this mystery. Of course, I'll change my frock, first...don't want to be seen looking like THIS, that's for sure. The neighbors would talk, doncha know!

: *sssssssip...sluuuuuurp*
: Ahhhh...nothing like a good cup of Earl Grey to clear your head, I always say!

: *sipsipsipsipsip*

Gee, how come I never wake up with my dress still on? Hmmmmm.
*Tea* huh? Is that what they're calling the stuff that
comes out of the cask behind the bar at Bumppo's these
days? Now, granted -- you WERE drinking it out of your
little dainty teacup...until about 2AM when you just
stayed as you laid on the floor underneath the tap
with your mouth wide open!

Doc M

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