Happy and Uplifting Thoughts - started something Petra

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Posted by Bill R on October 09, 1999 at 12:42:42:

Well Okay Petra, see what you have started?

Here goes: Things that make me happy and warm all over

Bringing a smile to the face of somebody you love; giving and getting hugs; the sky when it is that perfect blue - with or without puffy white clouds like cotton; laughter; seeing children playing and laughing; seeing children of all colors playing and laughing totally oblivious to adult prejudices; the earthy, fresh smell of spring and the fragrant scent of spring flowers; the times when I make Betty laugh or feel warm and loved; any time spent with my kids; the smell of freshly cut wood; the warm smell of a baby; your child's first steps, first sign of thirst for knowlege, first attempt to hold a conversation with you as a "grownup", first time you can see a personality developing composed of the two parents; the smell of summer by a lake or the sea; any time I can smell the sea; the smell of newly cut grass, or the scent of sweetgrass as you drive down a lonely interstate all alone late at night; the sound of crickets; the cold brisk air and smell of leaves during an autumn walk with the trees in a blaze of color; the smell of woodsmoke coming from chimneys during a brisk walk or a cold winter's evening; the crunch of a newly fallen snow under your feet, and the way it glistens in pristine magic with the moon falling on it; time spent on the Mohican board where so many personalities from so many backgrounds discuss so many topics and share such rich humor; knowing I have done a good job to the best of my ability on something and it provides joy or utility to others; the enthusiasm and delight expressed when I have worked hard on a rifle and the customer first sees it; the feeling I get when I see some crisis in the world and an outpouring of help and support floods their way from my fellow countrymen; the courage and sacrifice of a man or woman who for principle's sake stands up for what is right and for no other reason regardless the cost; standing on a drop zone surrounded by young men no older than my sons who willingly accept the hardships and dangers of their profession and see it as a noble service to their country and are also willing to risk all for the peoples in another country from a culture alien to theirs, but in trouble or suffering oppression.

All these things I cherish. And so much more. Who can name all the things that compose the rich tapestry of life? Nobody. We never know what new joy or new experience is around the next corner.

See what you started Petra?

*big smile - now I think I will go give Betty a hug!*

Bill R

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