Posted by Darla on September 12, 1999 at 22:10:02:
Been having major computer problems and since this is what we refer to as RUSH at work I haven't read anything on the board for over a week. I just miss everything! If you had given me a hundred guesses I "NEVER" would have come up with LOTM and porno! I'm afraid to ask, What else can happen? You go Rich & Elaine, I hope you can track them down, but let us know. I love a mystery, but only when it can be solved. On a lighter note, reading some of the older posts, I just love Dr. Mary and the Gnome man. Great! Hey it's 7 minutes after midnight, I'm first to post today!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Oh Rich if you've sent anything about the gathering in the last two weeks I haven't been able to get it. I'm using my old AOL address to post this. Anything new??
Take care everyone, I know we'll get through this.
Love you guys, Darla