Posted by MMMMarcia on April 26, 1999 at 08:18:13:
In Reply to: Re: Floating along with Hawkeye, or Why I Love My Dentist, by MMMM posted by Kate on April 24, 1999 at 14:06:09:
Kate wrote:
: Well, I have to say I *like* your solution to visits to the dentist, Miss Marcia!! And I'm glad you got through your latest appt. so painlessly!!
Thanks! It was great. I'm thinking I need to go back SOON for a cleaning...wonder if they can squeeze me in today!
: However, here in Scotland, things are a little different. They won't give us nitrous without a doctor present.
Does this mean your dentist ISN'T a doctor? Our dentists can give any medication they desire, I believe. Of course, he must be present to turn on the nitrous and monitor from time to time, even when the dental technician is doing a cleaning.
:What we can request is a sedative which is taken 1/2 hour before appt. and I can assure you, that is pretty painless too (*~@!!). But the dentists tend to rub a gel into your gum so that you don't feel the jab, if you need one. And it works *very* well!
Oh, most of our dentists use the gel, too. It isn't the pain, you understand. It's having someone plundering around in my mouth with implements of torture and destruction! ACK! I can't stand them breathing in my face, either. I'm pretty good about pain, but there's just something horrible about a dental visit that goes way beyond that.
: However, I have to say that my dentist is excellent! You never feel a thing! His jabs are really pain-free!! (You could say he really has 'the touch'!) But also, he has the walkman setup and - ta!ta! a video screen on the ceiling! So - I'm thinking of your idea but taking it a step further!! - I'm taking my video of LOTM with me next time!! Trouble is, I haven't needed any work done the last few times, so (fingers crossed, I think!!)I may not have time to see anything but the opening credits, possibly the Elk Hunt (still, he *is* my favourite star, of course, so I see the *best* bit!), however, I can always go home and watch the rest, 'cause you can't leave your tape in the middle of the spool! You watch the rest or rewind (and you certainly can't do that!). Anyway, anyone who makes it through a dental appt. deserves to see LOTM, that's what I say!
Agreed! And I think they should let you sit there in the chair until the whole movie is over! They can just use another room for the rest of their patients! After all, one doesn't want to break the spell, does one?
: Now, get out to all those dentists, guys and gals and give the old 'LOTM' soundtrack/video an airing! You might even make those visits a twice yearly thing!! (maybe).
Yes! And now, we can report to Michael Mann or anyone else who is interested, that in addition to all its other charms, LOTM is good for your dental hygiene! This will appeal ESPECIALLY to my hero, DDL, as he once played Fergus the dentist in Eversmile, NJ, ya know!! Obviously, clean & healthy teeth are important to him! ;o)
: Best wishes,
: Kate.