Posted by S.Girty on April 23, 1999 at 01:44:36:
In Reply to: Re: Smoke Signal to Shawnees --- Barg'nen fer' skelps ['n' th' matter of Clark 'n' such] posted by S.Girty on April 22, 1999 at 02:52:41:
: : Brother Girty,
: : Goat Foot say understand English very well. Also very familiar with English quilts. My Father in the Canadas say Redhead will lead us to La Longue Carabine. Pay big bounty for scalp with hair extensions. No deal, Katepacomen. Take all scalps home in canoe with pirate gold. Buy own quilts. Goat Foot's hatchet has struck the war post.
: : Goat Foot
:: that's yar' choice, but Ah' mus' remind ya', yar' far frum home, wit' a small warparty, deep in Shawnee terr'itree, wit' yar' back trail cut-off by th' Wyandots, all loyal ta' th' English Father...
: Ah' do not feel that ya' will 'ave much success, in light since we's got the Red-'ead 'n' Old Crone in sight...
: Ah' advise ya' ta' either join us, or depart at once fer' Canada,
: if ya' dont, yar' squaws'll be howlin' yar' death songs 'n' yar' skelps'll fetch a hefty few pounds in Detroit...
: Simon Girty
: P.S.
: who's inter'pettin' our smoke fer' that Scottish lass?
>Siyo our Iroquois Brothers ---
yar' silence in th' matter is deafenin'... Ah' assume y'all 're headin' up th' wartrail ta' take th' Colonial skelps of a Mistah' Clark?...
Jes' as well, no move can be made upon th' Red-'ead 'n' old Crone 'til they's dig up th' bur'eed treasure...
Beware of bee swarms, a Shawnee brother was set upon by th' lil' boogers earlier 'n' nearly gave us away ta' th' pair we a'been trackin'...
Ah' heard word that all's chaos in th' township, tis' would be th' moment ta' strike 'n' take th' oft mentioned quilts from th' Scots woman's shop!
Your White Brother, adopted son of th' Seneca
'n' Injun Agent fer' th' Crown ----
Simon Girty