Posted by Hannah on April 13, 2002 at 07:34:17:
In Reply to: Re: I LOVE LOTM!!!! posted by Sarah M. on April 12, 2002 at 19:04:40:
HI sarah!!
its great to hear from you!actually im going off to uni in Portsmouth at the end of the summer, but at the mo im finishin my time at SOMERSET!!yes i live in farmer country,i even go to college in Taunton which is a few miles away from minehead!!small world huh?!
A UK LOTM bash would be incredible, it'll just have to happen!!!i watched LOTM last nite actually...i was inspired after posting my message!!(and cried as i do every time...uncas..noooo!!!)
thanks 4 making me feel welcome anyway, i'll definitely be sticking around!! cheers!
: Greetings, Hannah,
: You're amongst friends here! Some of them are even British. Adele, for example. You should meet up and have an LOTM-UK bash some time!
: Where are you at uni? Where are you from originally? I know England quite well, as I'm there often (twice a year or more?) and have rellies all over the place. Well, the oldies and wrinklies are dying off now, but there are still plenty of young ones. My mother is from Minehead, in Somerset. My brother is currently living in London. I'll be in England myself, in a month or so.
: Stay on the board and meet people, and please add to the board.
: Cheers,
: Sarah M.
: : hello mohican fans
: : im a teenager from the UK who simply adores this film. I first saw LOTM when i was about 10, my dad recorded it on video, and i still have the very same crackly old copy which i could never be without!i made my boyfriend watch it on DVD and spend my life trying to find people who love it as much as i do!!
: : I am hoping to go on the mohican trail next yr or when i finish uni. id love to meet the characters too, even though this film was made in the decade i was born, and some may be considerably older!!anyone who wants to post a message of mutal obsession with all thingz mohican feel free!!!
: : on a sadder note comisserations to all whose loved ones were involved in those terrible attacks last yr, you are in my thoughts and prayers god bless.
: : xHannahx xxx