Posted by Rich on December 23, 2001 at 11:46:57:
I should note, that this a Canadian issue, as that is where little Ariel lives. Not be too familiar with the laws of the US on this, I would imagine some of it might be applicable. In any event, in the absence of one of Ariel's champions, Kate, I thought I'd pass this on. Perhaps, if nothing else, you'll be inclined to bring a little light into her ever-dark world.
Thanks ... RF
Ariel ( ) and others in similar situations as her, need the support of the friends and the community. If this doesn't get the attention that is necessary, it could devastate the rights of the blind. Thank you for your time and contribution.
This link is information on our quest for their rights.
This is the information that we have sent in presenting our concerns
Please send the information to: (this is the blind persons rights act email address) (this is ralph klien's email address) (this is St. Alberts MLA's email address)
I have a blind daughter and feel they are a unique and individual group, so they should be treated as such.
1. The Blind Persons Rights Act should be a separate piece of legislation.
2. Defining who qualifies as a blind person and their right to use a white cane.
3. The right of the blind, visually impaired and deafblind students in the school system to receive materials in braille in a timely manner and be taught braille in the classroom by qualified teachers at the request of parent, guardian or student.
4. Access for a person who is blind to be accompanied by a guide dog.