Thoughts on the times...

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Posted by Lady Ann on September 18, 2001 at 11:59:54:

It has been a while since I dropped in...and I apologize for that. Had to get my daughter settled for her first year college...she now resides at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, NC and loves it. Then last Tuesday came the trauma of the terrorist attacks. Bill is living and working in New Jersey for the time being, and his office is right across the Hudson from midtown Manhattan. He called me as the attacks on the WTC were happening and gave me an eye-witness account as the second plane flew into the Tower and as the buildings fell. Many of his co-workers had relatives working in the WTC and their shock and horror as they watched helplessly was unimaginable. Bill's aunt lived and worked within 4 blocks of the towers, so it touched him personally as well (she is fine...we were able to locate her last Thursday, safe with friends).

In the aftermath of this event, so many of us have had to really look deep to see what it meant for us as Americans and as human email from a close friend really brought it home for me. This friend had been called into a parent-teacher conference at her daughter's school regarding...well, here is a portion of her email:

"To add to that, they've revived reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Emily refused to say it. Why you ask? As she once overheard me saying, it's a loyalty oath and she feels she shouldn't be compelled to pledge allegiance without understanding what she's pledging and to whom or what. I'm amazed she remembered that on the one hand, and in the awkward position of having to tell her that given what's been going on lately, many people will not understand her point of view. So I'm struggling with being supportive of her right to an opinion and being protective of what she will hear and face if she doesn't give way. In other words, trying to walk that line of encouraging her to do what she thinks she should do while not putting her in
harm's way. Or is it not selling out but it's okay if she does. It
isn't easy for me, even. Sigh. Why do I think they would have objected less if she'd disobeyed for religious reasons?"

Emily, by the way, is 10 years old.

That got me to thinking about how I felt about being an American and responding in a time of crisis, and in light of recent postings on the Board on this issue and admittedly, feeling the need to share my feelings, here is my response to Emily's mother:

"Hooray for Emily! I applaud anyone who has the courage to want to understand the pledges and oaths our society demands that they make and the fortitude to refuse to make those oaths and pledges if they don't believe in every word. Many people think of these things as "no big deal" the loyalty oaths demanded during the cold just say the words and secretly believe what you want to believe and everyone is happy. But words are powerful things...particularly the word...or the oath...of the honest person. The security and integrity of our country depend on the pledges of persons who understand and truly believe in the words they recite....NOT on the words of those who say the pledge without understanding the commitment those words require.

Now is the time for all Americans to really look at that pledge of allegiance and take the words to heart: Allegiance (loyalty and obedience) to the flag and to nation represented by that flag, one nation (not a bunch of independently governed states or separated loyalties), under God (not your god or my god but God), WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (not just the wealthy or WASPS or those who wear the flag in their lapel, but everyone who steps within these shores...even rat bastard hijackers). Now that is a BIG commitment...requiring strength of character, moral compass and determination, and a clear, open head and heart. It does NOT allow for revenge, stereotyping, or a leap to conclusions. If Emily...or anyone else...can look at the words of the Pledge of Allegiance and, knowing the meaning and power of the words, say "Yes, this is what I believe and this is what I will defend", that is the person I want next to me in the foxhole...not the person who recites the words with tears in his or her eyes, caught in the power of the moment, without any real obligation to back up the meaning of those words with actions. It is embarrassingly easy to wear the veneer of patriotism in this country...desparately and achingly difficult to perform those actions true patriotism requires....and in particular to manifest in words and deeds those elements of character granted and demanded in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

I've tried to raise my children to think before they act and to pledge their word ONLY if they understand and mean what they are pledging...because only then will that pledge have any worth. Tell Emily that she is right to hesitate absent a deep down, honest and whole hearted decision to truly mean every word of the Pledge....and when and if she does decide that she can make the Pledge of Allegiance, she will make it as a real American, one who embodies the principles of personal freedom that built this country.

Footnote: There was an article in our newspaper today about an ecumenical service to be held in memory of those who died on September 11th....all faiths were invited to participate and invitations were accepted by members and clergy as diverse as they come, Methodists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Pagans, and most any other denomination you can think of....with one glaring exception. That exception was the largest religious denomination represented in our city...the congregation of Southern Baptists. Their reason for not participating? "We strongly oppose ecumenical relations with other denominations based on theological differences...." I understand and appreciate their right to their separate religious beliefs and would gladly do battle to preserve that right...but wonder if they understand and take seriously the Pledge of Allegiance.

And thus concludes today's political commentary....

Thanks for listening.

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