Posted by John on July 16, 2001 at 09:31:37:
In Reply to: Re: PatriotHeart - or whatever, that movie that Ben didn't like, was called posted by Christina on July 16, 2001 at 08:54:45:
Christina, maybe I did sound a little too dour on the movie. Most of my dissapointment is from the lost opportunity of making a great movie on the subject rather than what they ended up with...knowing that for what ever reason WE (as in us fans of history and the period) will not get another movie on the Revolution for a long time. I know it was fiction, but I can't understand why they would want to be so ficticious when the real events where even more facinating than what they went with.
I did actually relax and enjoy the movie. Mel sure can open up a can Whoop-Ass. And the scene where he arms is young sons and has them use their squirrel hunting skills on the British officers was griping and frightening for the sudden loss of innocence.... But that was the horror of war that the movie was trying to get across.
Once again, If they would have made a great movie about the period, we might be sitting here getting ready for more movies on the subject. But we aren't and we have to wait again.
Have you seen "The Crossing" from A&E 2 Xmases ago. I thought that was an outstanding effort on the Princton Campaign.