Posted by Grapeshot Ramrod on May 30, 2001 at 14:14:55:
From: The Diary of a Disciplined Deadbeat Do-gooder
In the Happy Land of Wattle and Daub
Dear Dye-o-rie
RIIIIIIIEEEEENNNG! RIIIIIIIIEEEENG! Hey, somebody get the phone!-Grapeshot
We ain't got no phones 'round here, ya big broken axe!-reply from My Dear Old Crone
RIIIIIIEEEEENG! Well, what in......oh, them's my ears, still ringin' from being pulled and pinched and cuffed by my dear old next o' kin!
What a time! I'm still in a bit a shock that I'm actually sittin' here daubin' this wattle on Granny's old shack! I could be out saunterin' thru the countryside searchin' for my des-to-ny in these here hills. I heard tell of a place called the House o' HOO-HA--a place o' intrigue and mystery and other unmentionables! Sounds like a place where I may be able ta indulge in the mysteries o' Mohicanland. I wonder if they got a secret password ta get in, somethin' like you gotta stand out in the middle o' some field or cow pasture and wave your hands in the air, all the while yellin' HOOOOOO-HAAAAAA or somethin' and this place just falls out a the sky. Let me see if'n I can find a way to ske-daddle away from this here daubin'. how can I get--wait a minnit! Here comes old cousin Fuzzy Gumrot with another load a' mud fer the wall. Now Fuzzy ain't real sure where he's at or what he's doin' all the time. You could say he's a bit....fuzzy.....on the details. Oh, Fuzzy.......