Posted by Lady Ann on February 12, 2001 at 09:54:04:
Dear Fellow Residents of Mohicanland:
To those of you who have sent me your reservations and checks for the Potluck Dinner and horsebackriding and have not yet received your confirmation, do not despair....the MacLeod and I were off to the wilds of north Florida for a long weekend of primitive camping and have just now returned. I will attend to the mountainous stack of Gathering correspondence this evening...I promise...and send out your confirmations tomorrow. Judging from the pile of envelopes, we are very close to reaching our limit on the dinner packages with horsebackriding, so if you wish to ride, send in your reservation as soon as you can.
And don't forget to enclose your recipe along with the name of your potluck contribution! Those of you who, because of distance traveled or food preparation problems, are waiting until you get to the Gathering to select your contribution, please send along a favorite family recipe, a recipe from the 18th century you have prepared in the past, or other recipe indigenous to Mohicanland (I'm thinking Green Parrot Soup...or perhaps Doc Mary would care to send along ingredients and instructions for some of her more potent potions?). It need not be what you are bringing to the potluck (and in the case of Doc Mary, perhaps for the safety of all...particularly the wee gnome folk...BETTER left at home!).
Lady Ann