Posted by Sassy Soothsayer on February 01, 2001 at 11:04:43:
Howdy, Mohicanland! Sassy Soothsayer, here. I'm lookin' in my crystal ball this morning, and I see a sad, pitiful sight. My poor cousin down south, MMMMarcia, is crippled up somethin' fierce and in turrible pain! It appears her right arm & wrist are near-bout fused into one useless stick of an arm from somethin' called CowBell Syndrome or somethin' soundin' kinda like it. Looks like she's been sittin' in front of some dagnab, infernal MACHINE all morning, punching in keys, and scribbling numbers in a notebook. Must have somethin' to do with that Gathering thingie I've been hearin' tell of. And another thing...her ear appears to have become somewhat deformed, all red & inflamed...I think it's because of that strange device she's been holding up against it and talkin' into, betwixt & between all the work on that machine. Something else to do with this so-called Gathering, no doubt. California, Canada, ENGLAND...she's gettin' messages from all over the place!
I swear, it looks like Poor Cuz has no other life at this moment but scribblin', talkin', eatin' & breathin' this event. She has a crazed, wild look in her eye, too. I personally think she's only a moment or two from becoming a drooling idjit! Maybe I better hop on ol' Purple an' fly down there to see if I can conjure up a little help for her...*ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!* *zooooooooooooooooooom!!*