Re: AlGore I Am

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Posted by Concerned Citizen on November 17, 2000 at 12:56:52:

In Reply to: Re: AlGore I Am posted by Florida Voter on November 17, 2000 at 12:16:30:

Dear Florida Voter,

Bottom line is that we all want a fair vote based upon set rules established BEFOREHAND. We must discount the ballots with no or double votes. Factor in the overseas votes to determine the Presidency. What are the problem I hear about the butterfly ballots and depending on your point of view - How (in)convenient that some votes were not counted or missing... This might not be a local Florida problem but rather sadly a nationwide one.

Like Bill, frankly do not care who wins. Well, I might be a little biased against familial pedigree - whose father's famous line was - "READ MY LIPS". I can not blame the son for the father's sin(s) or can I ?!? Let them settle it once and for all, Mohican style - whatever that might be. Here's to FV's suggestion for a standardized vote!

Concerned NY Citizen

: : Well, I think it is far too late. I think the whole country is polarized over this, and there is no way around it. The system, however bad, was voted on and approved by the people of Florida before it was used. They knew the methods to be used and knew the rules going in. When the results don't go the way expected you cannot then fairly say "oops, let's change this and change that and do it again." I can accept a vote (at polling day) in Florida that gives Gore the electoral votes necessary to be president. That is the will of the people. I cannot accept three partisan democrats deciding which votes are valid and which are not on their own, unelected, partisan view and sticking the country with THEIR choice. Where is the democracy in that? THAT is Daley politics and Daley politics are the most corrupt politics we have seen in this century. And it is NO mistake that Gore made Daley his campaign manager. If you plan to engage in dirty politics, you hire a dirty politician for campaign manager. he did. But I will shut up.

: : I dont care who wins the election. That is the will of the people. I DO care when one man polarizes the country so deeply and shows signs of screwing around with the Constitution out of spiteful vindictiveness. And so should you. But I will shut up.

: : Bill R

: The whole country IS, indeed, polarized. I was just foolishly hoping to avoid some of that here on the Board.

: As for specifics on the System, all I can tell you is that I went in to vote & was given a black magic marker & a piece of paper to color in circles on it (honestly). While just a few miles away, people had the infamously confusing & utterly ILLEGAL (which ought to mean something) butterfly ballot to use. Then a few miles from there, people were using machines so decrepit & faulty that their votes weren't even countable. THIS leads me to believe that the system needs overhauling, and the only reason we are aware of that fact is because the election is SO close. If I placed MY vote on a machine that made such a boogered up mark it could ONLY be counted by human eyes, then that's how I would want it HUMAN eyes or by hand, in other words. (And, I might add, everything that has been done so far is in absolute accordance with Florida laws, as provided for recounts). I believe that the final count will show that Bush has won Florida, unfortunately, but I think it is absolutely essential that the final count be finished. I REFUSE to accept that any citizen of this country could show up at the polls carrying a current, valid registration card & yet be sent home because of clerical errors that caused their names to be left off the list. I REFUSE to accept that any person could make sure to vote & then be told that because of faulty equipment, their vote didn't count, tough luck, too bad. That's just SO wrong, it's mind boggling.

: Now frankly, I think Gore is a pompous dweeb and Bush is too stupid to run a hamster wheel, let alone a country. I don't really want either one as my President. But I made my choice as did you, based on my honest feelings as to who was the lesser of the two evils. And it doesn't bother me a bit that our choices might not be the same, Bill. What does bother me is the niggling feeling that this Board should be somewhat above the fray. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or offend anyone who voted differently than I did. I'm LIVING with someone who voted differently than I did, for Pete's sake. We disagree 100% on every single issue regarding this election, except that neither of us is very happy with our Party's choice of candidate. So I can assure you that I'm totally accustomed to having people I love vote differently than I. But I really thought this wasn't a good place to hash it all out. Maybe I was wrong.

: As for the Electoral College, it is an outdated system that has no useful purpose in today's well-informed world. You are an articulate, intelligent man, Bill. You are informed on the issues that mean the most to you, and you are perfectly capable of voting for the candidate you choose. You do NOT need someone else to come along afterwards & decide whether or not to follow the dictates of your state. That has been my honest opinion for years & years, and I have been eagerly awaiting the day when something would stir up enough people to do something about the issue. I PRAY that if nothing else comes out of this mess, a standardized ballot system and a rethinking of the Electoral College WILL. Again, just my opinions.

: As for Gore changing his mind on HIS view of the Electoral College, he is a POLITICIAN, first and foremost, and will change his mind at any opportunity that seems profitable to him. Exactly as Bush will do and has done. Alas, I fear they are both tied to the same stake, in that regard. What I wouldn't give for an election wherein BOTH candidates were good, honest, honorable men of equal worth, and where we only had to base our votes on the platform that we believed in. Some dream, eh?

: FV

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