Posted by Donnelly on October 12, 1998 at 17:40:20:
My esteemed, fancy and clever Colleague/Mate
I have been running a gamut inlaid with sharp-edged razorblades and haunted by frothy-mouthed blood-thirsty members of the Traders Guild who have promised much wampum and dancing harem girls to those who capture and de-heart me. And this is all to prevent me from hooking up with you and taking over all the trade in the Land of LOTM.
I can assure you that I have not gone to Cameron's Cabin without you, the only one who's been there is a not-so-goodly copied facsimile transmission of your ever-so-truly-your-Mate. This facsimile can not even hold a candle to my trading wiles and guise.
However, if you should be able to harken upon a coach and four, and armed with a copy of Pontiac Moon as a piece offering for even imagining that I would go to Cameron's Cabin without you, I would like to meet with you at the Tallest Building in a place known as The Big Apple, or Land of Gotham.
Wishing you good cheer and much trade,
Yr Humbl Srvnt and Mate in Trade Wars