Posted by Vita on October 02, 1998 at 20:58:03:
Ring ring Ring!
Hoarse... Lozenge # 1 - Still hoarse - ah-hem hah-hum
Loznge #2 , 3 ..
cough, blush, smile, tears...
Helllooooooo LOTMers!
Hellooooooo Rich, Gayle, Elaine, Ayesha, Sarah, Kathy, Penny
French Trader English Trader, MMMMMMarcia Doc Mary...
Helloooooo all your Mateys!
The Ottomani Trader's Emissary, on the verge of being scalped, revealed the secret of WHY the Ottomani traveled all the way from the
Sublime Porte to the LOTMland:
His Eminence the Ottomani Trader, on behalf of the Sultana who is besting her Sultan husband with the 1001 concubines with her veiled beguiling ways, would like to buy and bottle and sell worldwide the following:
the spirit of one Rich and Elaine, who've been keeping alive this board
the spirit of the haunting music, soaring scenery and spirit of friendship permeating thruout the film The Last of the MOhicans
and the spirit of the posters
and the spirit of those who have fallen in love with this film and have gathered on this board, and have enjoyed each other and remained loyal to each other thru many an interesting disagreement...
Yours Truly, the TowneCryer, is still hoarse from the chilly winds and dire straits rushing thru her particular corner of the world, nonetheless she is obliged to cry once more, urging all the LOTMers
to contact the Ottomani Trader with the recipe for the above-mentioned spirits, so that the said Trader, together with her fellow DT FT and BT can trade thruout the world dispensing love and hugs...
Walk in love and light,
Happy and Grateful Willow aka LOTM TowneCryer