Posted by Marcia on September 11, 1998 at 13:04:32:
In Reply to: Re: TOWNCRYER TO TOWNIES posted by Clabair on September 11, 1998 at 11:42:56:
Clabair asks:
: I your crystal ball, is this raven-haired amoebette hanging around the person in charge or her husband?
Veeeee-eery clever, Clabair. (Oooh, I like that about Craftily Clever Clabair?) Let me toss out the dregs of yesterday's Ovaltine & stir up another batch of tea leaves in the old tankard....hmmmmm...I'm checking out that Three-toed Three-Whiskered Icelandic amoeba in the strange oval office. Hard to find him today...looks like he's busy ducking & running for cover for some reason or another. I'll look around a bit more. Let me see...odd...the raven-haired amoebette has gone somewhere else to play. Let me jiggle these tea leaves again...ah-ha! That explains it! The First Amoebette-In-Chief has apparently determined that though he is only an Icelandic amoeba, he is HER Icelandic amoeba, and Miss Raven Hair had better find a Petri dish of her OWN...along with all the other amoebettes-du-jour, past & present. I don't know about this 20th century...maybe I'd better stick around and say my sooths here in 1757, where men are men, and not single-celled, lower life forms!
Sassy Soothsayer, Still Sassily Saying Sooths