Posted by Georgette on December 07, 1997 at 12:19:06:
In Reply to: LOTM review posted by Gretchen on December 07, 1997 at 11:28:52:
If this is the review I think it is, it's ridiculous. The comment about the women only swooning stuck out in my mind, especially considering that Cora actually did some shooting as well as pretty heated arguing with Hawkeye (at the Cameron's cabin), and her father and Duncan (at the fort). She even saves Alice from certain death at the massacre by shooting the Indian who is about to tomahawk Alice.
Another comment that bothered me was the one about shooting the guns many times without loading. I remember seeing film of the rifles being loaded; there's film specifically of the loading of the rifles at the covering of the messengers scene. Didn't this reviewer watch the movie?
And in reference to the one-liners, are we to think that only modern men and women are witty enough to respond with a retort? The "you go north and, real sudden like, turn left" line is one of my favorites in the whole movie!
And the comment about overacting is pretty lame, too. I wonder how someone else would handle the violence and strong emotions in a similar situation. If someone's man was about to jump off of a waterfall, possibly to his death, leaving his woman to be captured or possibly killed by Magua's band, what should he say? "I hope you will remain alive because I intend to find you." I think not. It is far more appropriate to be saying something like, "STAY ALIVE, NO MATTER WHAT OCCURS I WILL FIND YOU!"
That's just my opinion. I could be wrong - what do you think?