Nash, December 1756, Lists of Indian Goods at Rock Creek
Letters to Washington and Accompanying Papers. Published by the
Society ofthe Colonial Dames of America. Edited by Stanislaus Murray
Hamilton.--vol. 01
Demy 7\8 Garlia from 18\--to 44\ prs.
3\4 Do.--from 16\6--to 27\6 -- somewhat dissorted a good many prs being sold, but a
large Quantity still remains
Tandem & Nuns Hollands from 27\--to 52\--some of these exceeding
Cambricks from 35\--to 44\
yd. wide Muslins from 35\--to 44 --
6\4 Do.--@ 68\
printed Calicoes gay Colours from 20\--to 40\ --
striped Callimane: @25 \6 --
Bandannoes @ 19--Cotton Romales @ 10\
Linnen & Holland Checks from 8d--to 15d per yd.
strip'd Cotton Hollands from 1\3--to 2\ --
Emboss'd Flanneles--@ 12d 7 --
half thicks--@ 14d --
strip'd & scarlet worsted Caps from 5\--to 12--per dozn.
Silk Hankers: from 28\--to 33\
Silk Caps--@ 40\ --
Mens worsted Hose from 24\ to 45\--per dozn.
grey, green & red yarn Do.--from 10\6--to 15\--not many left
Mens beavr: Carolina Hats from 4\6--to 6\--not many left
Worsted Creseles sorted from 3\6--to 4\6 per
12. Ribbons all different Colours sorted from 5\9--to 6\3 per prb.
narrowed Ribbons--@ 4\3 --
Star-Lace, blue, green, yellow & red from from 12\--to 13\ per
Gartering, scarlet & green Star, & scarlet in Grain--from
10\--to 13\ --
Threads of all sorts & prices --
Stripd Duffields--none left --
Strands from 72\d--to 80\--but little left --
purple & red Black lists @ 10\--but little left --
Vermillion--at 7\--per O
Small Bar Lead--@ 18\3 --
Gun-powder--all Sold --
abt. 2 dozn. fusee Guns proved Barrells @ 14\--very good at the price
but rather larger Bows than those commonly used in the Indian Trade ;
they wou'd answer very well for a Bullet & Shot & believe wou'd suit the
Southern Indians ; as I have been told they do not use a single Bullett so
much as the Northern Indians at Mr. Chapmans
abt. 1 dozn. 4. ft. square barrell'd Guns very small Bores best Iron
& stock'd like Rippells, a Bullet Mould to each. @ 27\6
abt. 1 dozn. Rippells 4. ft. Barrells, best Iron Bullet Mould to each
@ 41\6
Gun flints all sold --
Buck horn handled Cutlasses @ 2\6--but few left --
Brass & tin Kettles--all sold --
common oval Eyed Indian Hatchets all sold --
pipe--Tom-hawks--@ 4\3--each --
bright Indian weeding Hoes @ 14\ per Dozn.
Tolee. Tongs--@ 2\6--per dozn
padlocks--from 10\ to 15\ per dozn.
fine Indian Awl blades--@ 3\9 per Gross not many left
plain brass Rings--@ 1\6--per Gross
Stone Do. sorted from 2\10--to 9\6 per Gross
plain Silver Rings--9\ per dozn.
Stone Rings set in Silver from 4\ to 5\ per dozn.
Neat Stone Ear-bobs set in Silver from 2\6 to 3\6--a pr. --
painted Sleeve Buttons sorted from 3\3--to 4\3 per Gross
brass Jews-harps @ 21\--but few left
Wood screw Boxes for paint--@ 3\6 per Gross
Monrie Bells @ 12\ --
Looking-glasses, plate Glass--@ 15\ per dozn
Barley Corn Beads black & white from 2\8--to 3\ per Bunch
small round Beads at 2\4 per O --
Knives of all Sorts used in the Indian Trade from 2\--to 6\3 per Dozn.
Wampum none here, but I believe Colo.. Cresap has some belonging to
the Company.
6th. 1755.
I wish I had been at Home
when you was pleased to call last Night, it might have saved this
Trouble of writing, However as you desire I now send You all the
Information I can as to the Commission as Commissary, Which I think I
had from the same Authority you seem to have Yours, and with very full
powers and Instructions. Agreeable to which Mr.
Walker & my Self imbarkd. in the
Affair, happily compleated what we had undertaken, I have sunk my Money
in the Service (tho we were assured of being
constantly supply'd) in confidence of the
Publick faith that I shoud not suffer, instead of which I am denied my Money, Provisions Wagga. &c. contracted
by us on the said Faith & Instructions
for the use [of the] Expedition refused to be paid for, or to send Money to dischare [mutilated] for which there are
Suits now commenced against me, have
[mutilated] need my own Charges & not one farthing paid me for all I have done, As this is the Case besides 50
things more too tedious to mention, I leave
you to Judge what Man can bare such usage. As
for retaining anything belonging to the Expedition it is not my Intention, As I have the Governors hand writing by me to
Support & pay every thing we shoud
engage for the Expedition, Else I assure you I should dispute any Obligation I had to give up any thing till it was
paid for & I secured, So that Whoever
you appoint may have all the right & Title I have over all the Stores belonging to the Expedition, You are pleased
to be of Oppinion that if I continued at
least till the Committee meets in Octobr. when they may obviate all my Objections which as they are not well
understood by them, there will be a
Necessity of my being there, else the same Usage I have had I should meet with, And any one to undertake the
Business cannot spare the time to go to
Wmsburg if I rightly guess or know what is or ought to be done as Comry. Neither have you made any Mention of what I
should have in engaging in such an affair
again, As I should now be thoroughly satisfied by a certain Agreement well knowing what it is to leave
Things undetermined in serving the Public.
... I am ... Sir
... Your very Obedt. Humble Servt.
Goods at Fort Cumberland Sept. 17th. 1755.
· 2 pr. red Stroud
· 1 half pr. blue
· 6 blue Strouds
· 3 pr. blue 1/2
· 2 pr. white do
· 3 half ps. do
· 2 ps. red do
· 33 p blue Indian
· 3 ps. Imbost Large
· 3/4 of a pr.
· 4 doz. 11 plain
· 3 doz. 3 Boys do
· 8 ps. Stuffs &
· 1 pr. Str Gr.
· 6 Laced Hats
· 6 ps. brd. Ribbon
· 4 large Hat
· 2 parcels gold
& Silver Tassells
· 14 ? Vermilion
· 6 Small lookg.
· 3 doz. large
· 2 doz. Clasp do.
· 8 doz. brass
mounted knives
· 3 papers Rings
· 1 paper Sleeve
· 5 do. Beads
· 3 large brass
· 1 small do
· 1 paper Auls
· 4 Coyls brass Wire
· 12 Coyls Small do.
· In the Chest with
· 9 Rolls fig.
· Rolls red do.
· Parcels Thread
· 1 Doz 11 Mens
ruffled Shirts
· 2 Doz 10 p Wome.
· 14 Mens worsted
Caps a remnant of Callicos
· 8 Silver Meddals
· 8 yd. of
Ribbon a quantity of black & a large
parcelty of white
· 1 fine Laced Coat
· 4 fine Wastcoats
· 2 p Breeches
· 4 Indian Guns
· 20 Cutlashes
· 4 p. Side Pistols
The above taken from Col. Innes's List
left by him -- ...
