Tattoo Tantalizers! ... Part 8
... the most asked for gallery in our existence!
... the huron village ...

Photos & text courtesy of Rick
Martinko ... Tattoo Department, LOTM

After bouncing around to a few different locations, we
finally set up base camp at Chimney Rock. Initially, we were set up in the town
for the scenes involving the Huron village. Chimney Rock is a natural rock
formation that sticks up in the air and resembles a chimney. There's a park in
the town for taking tours of the area, and we were set up in the parking lot
across the street from the park entrance. This is also only a couple miles down
the road from Lake Lure, where 'Dirty Dancing' was shot. The town is a cute
little tourist trap, and gave the crew plenty of opportunity to get away from
the production for awhile. While shooting on the Huron village side of the
valley, we continued to stay at the EconoLodge in Morganton even though it was
very long drive to and from the base camp each day.

This picture was taken from the "cliff" side of the
valley. You can see the parking lot and tents of the base camp near the bottom
of the picture and the small beige spot half way up the mountain from the base
camp is the Huron village.
One of the first memorable events that occurred at Chimney Rock was the
arrival of Bill Murray. Bill's personal costumer and friend, Jennifer
Butler, was working on Mohicans so he decided to stop by. If my memory is
correct, I think 'What About Bob?' was shot at Lake Lure, so he was familiar
with the area too. In any case, I was sitting in the tattoo trailer working on
an Daniel, when someone sticks their head in to tell me that Bill Murray just
showed up , and I practically dropped my brush. I can only imagine what an
Academy Award winning actor was thinking as I hurried through the rest of his
tattoo session, so I could rush out and meet the star of 'Caddy Shack'. Bill is
very funny in person, and although he stuck around for a couple days I only had
the opportunity to talk to him once, and I didn't even realize I was doing so at
the time. We were shooting the scene where the horse falls, trapping Colonel
Munro. They had handlers there anesthetizing the horse. They also placed a
blanket over it's head, and several guys were standing around to help ease it to
the ground. While all this was going on, they weren't shooting so people were
talking the whole time. I was intently watching the drugged horse, while
talking to the people standing around me. After about 15 minutes, someone said
"So Bill, how long are you staying?", and I though "Who the hell is Bill?". I
turned to see who they were talking to and realized that I'd been standing
beside and talking to Bill Murray the whole time and didn't have a clue. We
talked for a bit longer and I showed him how to use an airbrush. Eventually
they were ready to shoot again, but by that time a storm had blown in and it
looked like it was going to rain any minute. After getting the shots of Munro
under the horse, rain started to fall and someone (either Michael Mann or Hunt
Lowry... probably Hunt) yelled out to Bill "I don't think this is going to
clear. What do you think we should be Bill?" He looked around at everyone
getting soaked and said "Why don't you let these nice people go home?" Everyone
cheered, and Michael Man said "That's a wrap." and Bill Murray instantly became
the crew's hero.

Bill and I at the base camp. Yes... his shirt is on
inside out.
Chimney Rock was also the site of my worst experience
during the production. Early on, I was called upon to assist Peter Robb-King
with Mike Phillips' (Sachem) ornate tattoos. There was a lot of ink to lay
down, and even with the two of us it took over an hour. More often than not,
Mike fell asleep in the make-up chair. One day, everyone was up at the Huron
village and I'd stayed down in base camp. The only principle actor involved in
the shot with tattoos was Mike, and Peter was on the set so I thought we had
everything covered. Meanwhile, I was airbrushing tattoos on the stunt guys for
second unit. Suddenly, one of the PAs comes running up and says "You're needed
on the set, NOW!". I'm totally confused as to why I'd be needed, but I grabbed
my stuff and headed over to a transportation van (the Huron village was half way
up the mountains and a brutal hike from base camp). Once I got in the van, I
realized the severity of the situation. Over the radio I heard one of the PAs
tell Michael Waxman (1st AD) that I was on my way, and Waxman yelled something
about how I was holding up the whole production and I needed to be there
immediately. The driver turns to me and says "You're Rick Tattoo, huh?" (my
nickname on the set) "Man... I wouldn't wanna be you right now. They sound
pretty pissed!". So, I sat there as the van makes the 5 minute trek up to the
set listening to everyone with a radio complain about how much money I'm costing
the company. I felt like I was going to puke. I think the worst part was that
I was totally baffled as to why I was even needed. Peter was the head of the
make-up department, and was more than capable of touching up Mike's tattoos. In
fact, he was Mike's principle tattoo artist and I was just assisting the whole
time. When we finally got there, a couple of PAs practically dragged me out of the
van and I ran to the set. All I was needed for was to touch up Mike's tattoos,
and by the time I got there Peter had already done it. Mike Waxman chewed me
out about the importance of being on the set when needed, while everyone glared
at me. I tried to explain that technically it wasn't my responsibility, but
John Bayless stopped me and took me aside. He told me that after a morning of
rehearsals, when it came time to shoot, Mike's chest tattoos were looking pretty
faded and Michael Mann called for "Rick Tattoo" to do a touch-up. So, when
Waxman yelled for me and I wasn't there, the @#%@#% hit
the fan. It didn't matter that Peter was there and really was the person they
needed... Michael Mann had asked for Rick Tattoo, and his word was law. I could
imagine their reaction if I was down in base camp taking a nap or souvenir
shopping in town, but at the time I was doing exactly what was needed. I wasn't
needed on the set, but that was irrelevant. No amount of explaining could
overcome the fact that when the director called for me, I wasn't there. I guess
I'm lucky I didn't get canned. How's that for Hollywood?

Mike Phillips' multiple tattoos.
The guy behind the camera is Gusmano Cesaretti. He was an
advisor who became more and more involved with the project as the weeks passed.
He ended up in the film as the priest who lead the Abenaki boy's choir when
Magua comes to the French camp.
Various shots of the longhouses. These were very
authentic, and were huge on the inside. I always thought
that they looked like a Flintstone's Airsteam trailer.
I have one of the rubber fish fillets on the left side of
the picture sitting on the shelf in my rec room.
The last thing that really sticks in my mind about the
Huron Village was the best prank I ever pulled in my life. As I mentioned
before, during the shooting, we had a lot of time to kill and practical jokes
became an art form. In the town of Chimney Rock, there were a couple general
stores and one of them sold gags like whoopie cushions, stink bombs and
cigarette loads, and before long everyone had a stash of goodies. For the most
part, the stuff was harmless although the cigarette loads got out of hand when
they went off during filming. Anyhow, we were all trying to outdo each other
when it came to pranks. So, one day while we were hanging out on the set, I
reached over and grabbed Mitzy Gunter's Polaroid camera from the back of her
pack when she wasn't looking. Several of the make-up and costume people carried
Polaroids everywhere to take continuity shots when we would break for meals or
to wrap at the end of the day. For those of you not familiar with the term
"continuity shot", it's simply an instant snapshot for the artist to use as a
reference when the shooting resumes. Otherwise, you could end up with a soldier
who has a bloody streak on his cheek in half of the shots, but it's missing in
the other half because he accidentally wiped it off with a napkin during dinner
and no one noticed before shooting resumed. This is a very common problem in
movies, and some people devote hours to picking this stuff out. Well, I knew
that Mitzy would be taking a few pictures before dinner which was coming up in
about an hour. So, Russell Dodson and I ran off behind one of the Huron
longhouses with the camera, Russell turned around and dropped his pants and I
took a picture of his butt. After the picture developed, I took a Sharpie and
wrote "This butt's for you!" on it. Then I removed the unused film pack from
the camera and slid the picture back into the top of the pack. Because a
Polaroid will spit out the protective plastic sheet on the top of the pack when
you load the film, I stuck an extra picture I had on top of the butt picture.
When I loaded the pack back into the camera, it acted like it was a new film
pack and spit out the extra picture I loaded and the picture of Russell's butt
was next on deck. We walked back and carefully replaced the camera back in
Mitzy's pack. A hour later, we broke for dinner and Mitzy pulled out her camera
to take a picture of an Indian extra. She pressed the button, and an exposed
picture of Russell's butt comes out of the camera. The funny thing is that she
didn't even notice. She just pulled the picture from the camera and started
waving it in the air like people always inexplicably do with Polaroids. After a
few seconds, the guy she took the picture of started staring at the picture and
said "What is that?!?" Mitzy looked at the picture, let out this high pitched
shriek and almost dropped it on the ground. I've never seen anyone look so
shocked and confused in my life.

Mike with the unsuspecting Mitzy.
We cracked a stink bomb on a cotton pad and taped it to
the vent on the Special Effects Make-up guys trailer while they were inside
taking a nap. The trailer reeked so bad from all the latex and other stuff in
there, I don't think they even noticed.
The real reason why the Mohicans died off.
Steve getting torched. You can see in this picture that
the fire was about ten feet in from of him, but with the camera shooting
directly at him with a telephoto lens he appears to be standing in the middle of
the flames. Poor Steve had to do a bunch of takes and by the end he was pretty
I was planning on wrapping up the Chimney Rock stuff in
one submission, but I overshot the runway again. I hope people aren't getting
bored with all these stories. I just keep remembering all this stuff and if I
don't write it down I'll end up forgetting it. UP NEXT: THE CLIFFS || BACK TO INDEX
