MohicanLand Musical Musings: The Music of The Last of the Mohicans

Daniel Lanois is credited on the LOTM CD as the writer of "Orchestral Mohicans", on which "The Glade Part II" was based.
As of this writing, we have not uncovered any public information about "Orchestral Mohicans." Daniel Lanois, on
the other hand, is widely publicized as an exceptional music producer. He has produced albums for a number of artists,
including U2 (including three of their most popular albums), Peter Gabriel, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, and more.
Born a French Canadian, Lanois comes from a musical family and feels the folk traditions he learned early on
have stuck with him and continue to influence him.
Aside from producing others' albums, Lanois has recorded three of his own and contributed tracks to other albums.
He has also contributed to several soundtracks, including Dune (1984) and Sling Blade (1996).
In LOTM, "The Glade Part II" is the musical background to a quiet discussion between Hawkeye and Cora at an Indian burial ground, under the night sky. Writing for the about the music of the night, in an interview for Rough Cut,
Lanois, noted: "I like music that has a dark tone to it. I've done my share of it. It's not something that is very
consciously done. Maybe it comes from working at night so much. Some people say, scientifically, the body and the
ears have different demands at night than they do in the day. For example, at night, you will be more easily
satisfied with a heavier, slower groove than in the day." (from Rough Cut, April 11, 1997.)
This easily reflects the style of "The Glade Part II" in LOTM, dark, slightly mystical, as adapted by Trevor Jones
for the movie soundtrack.
On to the music, "Main Title"
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