A Crash Course In Mohicaanology

Ah! So many rumors, so many misperceptions in Mohicanland...
Mohican Press has no affiliation with the actual Mohican tribe. All references to, and uses of, the name MOHICAN, apart from historical context, are derived from James Fenimore Cooper's
literary work "The Last of the Mohicans" and Michael Mann's film adaptation of said work. This does not constitute fraud or copyright infringement.
The Mohican Indians are not extinct. There is a Stockbridge Mohican Indian community in Wisconsin whose members are descendants of the 18th century eastern Mohicans. Look 'em up. Give 'em a
call. Tell 'em Mr. Cooper sent you.
James Fenimore Cooper is not guilty of eradicating the Mohican people, had no wish to wipe them out, was not ignorant of their continued existence, nor was he responsible for perpetuating the
silly rumor that they no longer existed. His fictional title was not a factual declaration, but a symbolic choice. The title and novel itself must be understood within a literary context, not a literal one. With little effort, anyone is capable of
discovering the status of the Mohican tribe, which is lively.
Chingachgook was a real Delaware man; Uncas was a real Mohegan man. The two were not related, nor was either really a Mohican. Cooper created fictional characters with these same names for
"The Leatherstocking Tales." Clear it up any?
The Mohegans and Mohicans, though descended from common Algonquian ancestors, are two distinctively different people. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME TRIBE.
The Courier is not an actual
'publication,' though its falsehoods, gossip, and reported scandals closely mimic the standards of many contemporary media publications leading many to mistakenly
believe it is real. The Mohican Press Courier is mere satire. But then, you knew that
already or you would have run fast & far from this Godforsaken Colony.
Jo is not a pipe bomb designer, though she would probably do very well in that particular occupation.
Neuromancer is not a new age Casanova.
He doesn't even come around anymore.
There were Mohicans present at Fort William Henry, some as members of Rogers' Rangers, though none are known to have hung out with a guy named Hawkeye or Nathaniel or Pathfinder or .....
The Courier advice columnist Doctor Mary is a charlatan, but her advice is nonetheless reasonable and her rates very fair. We still recommend her, though we'd caution against purchasing her
bottled remedies or confessing embarrassing deeds.
Miss Marcia is not handicapped, nor does she wield a heavy cane. She does, however, like to make fu-uudge and mint juleps, and speaks with a Scarlet O'Hara drawl. Please do not throw her out with
the bath water on this one drawlback of character.
James Fenimore Cooper does not merit a lynching; he deserves a literate audience and a verdict of innocent of all charges, save verbosity. Hasn't he suffered enough?
Rich Fed is not really a king; just a tad power hungry. He does plagiarize from E. Lane at times and other times as well. Major personality flaw, but
forgivable, writes Rich.
The Hurons were not wiped out, but were "dispersed" through brutal attacks by their enemy, the Iroquois, in the 17th century. They were active during the colonial wars and remained staunchly
pro-French throughout the conflicts.
The Delaware and Hurons had good relations during the colonial period. Chingachgook would have liked
THOSE Mingos.
The Mohawk and Mohicans, historically bitter enemies, turned out to be the two most loyal allies of the English during the French and Indian War. The famed chief King Hendrick was 1/2 Mohawk,
1/2 Mohican, making him a neat symbol of the Mohawk/Mohican alliance, don't you think?
The Abenaki were wholly anti-English during the colonial period. The Fort William Henry massacre, in which the Abenaki played a leading role, may have had an element of pay back for a century
of English hostilities in New England.
The Mohicans and their eastern woodland neighbors did not, we repeat, did not live in teepees, nor did they utilize death scaffolds. They lived in bark covered homes and buried their dead just
like other people of the region.
Those cigar shop Indian guys are fake. Please do
NOT buy anything from them. Remember the rule; Let the buyer beware!
The French generally got on much better with the Indian people of North America than did the English. There are various reasons for this, cultural and religious attitudes being among them.
Marriage was much more common between French and Indians than between English and Indians.
In fact, some say the Seven Years War erupted over English anger & jealousy
of the Latinate Lovers.
Jo has still not found the answer to her missing horse
question, nor has she really found her missing horse. Won't you please help today?
During the filming of "The Last of the
Mohicans," those who suffered the greatest trials and tribulations were a bunch of guys who made up the military cadre led by the relentless Captain
Dale Dye. These guys were obliged to march and die under the scorching summer sun of LOTM's set each day.... and wear penitent's wool. War is hell.
The historic Mohican homelands were primarily between New York and Connecticut's river valleys. The region bears many Mohican place names even today. The film location homelands are in western
North Carolina, which bears many LOTM place names as well; Chimney Rock Park and Biltmore Estate being two particularly prominent sites.
Humor is still allowed on the Mohican WWW Board.
Please purchase your cents of humor from our various Traders today!
Joseph Brandt was a minor in 1757. He was too young to own a 5 mile field at that time. Must have been another Joe.
Mohican Press is not a publishing house. It's merely a
'Mohicaan' house that publishes its own press... and believes it.
Michael Mann did not write "The Last of the Mohicans" and James Fenimore Cooper did not ruin Mann's work. We don't want to hear that ever,
ever again.
Soldiers #1 and #2 are not brothers. They don't even have the same parents.
Jodhi May's double was not
accidentally killed during the cliff scenes, nor was she intentionally killed. Someone has made a serious error on this
diving point.
The women who hang out at the WWW Board are not Huron. It's a convenient cover created as a
diversion tactic lest blinded by the light Travoltaish Disco boys and urban cowboys accidentally
wander away from their flashing strobes and stumble into Mohicanland.
L is not DDL's ex-wife. She hopes to be his next though. Marcia may present a problem there but we're sure the conflict can be worked out with civility.
Tom Cruise was not Michael Mann's first choice for the role of Hawkeye and Kevin Costner did not serve as Historical Advisor for LOTM's Indian
Michelle Pfeiffer did not turn down the role of Cora in LOTM.
Elizabeth Taylor did try out for the role of Cora in LOTM.
Michael Mann reportedly felt that she wasn't quite what he had in mind and politely said, "We'll call you if the script undergoes any major
changes or facelifts."
Rich did not hire Lainey for her if-looks-can-kill looks. She's a highly skilled spell checker and very knowledgeable of cyberspace netiquette, as well as best friends with the principal
actors of LOTM (which can be handy for interviews).
Lainey did not hire Rich for his good sense of direction. She was simply utterly
amazed he was able to find his way around MohicanLand (which can be handy for
Guide Books).
Neuromancer and Jodhi May have NOT eloped. They both just happen to live in the same country. Nothing
more, nothing less.
James Fenimore Cooper did like twigs and moccasins. That's quite normal for a wilderness boy who stepped on many twigs while wearing moccasins.
She-who-tracks-Le Longue Carabine is not Nathaniel's ex-wife and there is no issue of alimony default. Please feel free to help in her search; it's truly for research, not entrapment.
Leonardo DiCaprio was not considered for the part of "Uncas" in LOTM. He was much too young at the time of filming.
"You the mann!" is not a phrase used on the Mohican Press site. We abhor such grammatical butchery.
Rich Fed was not nominated for any Nobel Peace Prizes. E. Lane wasn't either. Their site hasn't even been nominated for a "Hot Pick" of the day. Oh well.
LOTM is a fine film. "Titanic" simply can't be better! We're not buying it at all.
Mohican Press gets some nice mail, but mostly hate mail.
This pleases us.
Steven Waddington was cast for the role of Major Duncan Heyward from the beginning. Rumors that he was originally going to portray Ongewasgone are not true.
Filming for LOTM was entirely in western North Carolina. Nothing was shot in Arizona other than game that is irrelevant to our subject matter.
Mohican Press is not providing a small stipend to a core group of friendly posters. They are all volunteers.
Though we state this on our FAQ page, its importance warrants repeating here. We
do not own any LOTM props other than Soldier #2.
Simply because we have a Site that centers around a film & a fictional
literary work, it does not follow that we are ignorant of Mohican history. Check
out our Site before casting stones ... if you please. You just might learn
Filming for LOTM was entirely in western North Carolina. Nothing was shot in New
York State other than fame that is relevant to our subject matter.

Stop in again for more Mohicaanology!

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