Wampum ...  Return of a favorite trade item ...
... bangles, pendants, bracelets,
earrings, rings, and beads ...
... authentic, American Indian
made ...
The Story
of Wampum |
Wampum is made from the Quahog Clam Shell (Mercenaria Mercenaria), which lives in the coastal waters of Northeastern USA.
Quahogs were used by the Native American Indians prior to the arrival of the colonizing
Europeans for ornamentation, for use in marriage and in other
ceremonies, and as a memory aid. Upon the arrival of the Dutch, English,
and French, Wampum was made into tubular beads and served as one of the
main sources of currency between the Native Americans and the newly
arrived European traders and settlers. The beads were made into purple
and white ones. The purple beads (suckauhock) were worth twice as much as
the white beads (wompampeage) in the most popular use of them: the trading of
beads for beaver pelts in New York State, Western Connecticut, New
Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.
Wampum jewelry made of sterling silver and authentic
quahog wampum.
Jewelry for your pleasure and to extend this part of
American history to you.