Our purpose for taking up space here on the Internet is plain & simple. We have created a monument to a classic film, based on a classic piece of American Literature, and we want to share that with you. There is no political stance associated
with this Web Site. It is here based on our love of a film. Our histories, and they are OUR histories, are included to help enhance the visitor's understanding of the people & events that were at the core of The Last of the Mohicans. We take no
sides; offer no moral judgments; claim no inherent insights. We have a parody section where we poke fun at all things, including ourselves & the life taken on by our WWWboard. Laugh with it. Our use of the word Mohicans, except when in the
strictly historical sense, is a shortened The Last of the Mohicans, as in, The Great [Last of the] Mohican[s] Gathering. We mean no disrespect or offense to any ethnic or cultural group. We have strived towards maintaining an honest, forthright, &
complete picture ... by our standards.
We hope that you can fully enjoy this Web Site!