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Into the 60's

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Posted - February 22 2003 :  7:57:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Ann Szatmary is my earliest connection, and memory, of Valley Stream. We moved next door to her family in August, I believe, of 1956. We came via Brooklyn. Ann & I immediately became friends. I remember spending time cooling off in her little inflatable pool that summer, picking pansies from her mother's flower garden, and eating red raspberries from the bush in my own backyard. Ann became a suitable "replacement" for the girl I left behind me because of the move, Judy Thoma, the dentist's daughter.

The next spring or summer, the Doughertys moved in on our other side. Peering from my upstairs playroom window, I remember the moving van pulling up and unloading. I remember their tan colored dog, Bullet, scampering around. And soon I had met Jamie & Judy!

Out behind our house was The Farmer's place. It was just that, the remnants - maybe half an acre - of what was once probably a prospering farm. There was an old farmhouse still there, and the Farmer & his wife lived quietly, tending to their vegetable garden each summer. It was idyllic. But then we came. The hordes of young folks invaded as the NYC suburbs spilled ever eastward. We were ONE measly block from the city line, yet to our parents, it was "country." To the poor Farmer, it must've been a nightmare. I truly feel for him now.

There was a candy store several blocks up Hook Creek Boulevard from us - source of many a candy bar, baseball card pack, and comic book through the years - not to mention the creek itself, which, back in those days, was a veritable wildlife refuge to us. You could actually catch fish & find turtles down there. One year, we floated boats - for, oh, 5 seconds or so - in that creek. The boats - old doors, really - quickly sank. In later years, we drank Gallo port down at the creek ... but that's another story for another time.

We used to outfit ourselves as if we were going off for days in the remote wilderness and set out on day hikes at the creek. It was quite the place. We crawled through culverts with flashlights, broke into schools, and imagined, I suppose, that we were adventurers swashbuckling through uncharted lands. We had a lot of fun down at the creek. I remember finding a bloated, fly infested raccoon carcass & puncturing it with knives & forks. I told you, lots of wildlife. One of my most vivid recollections of our hikes was the time this little bulldog looking hound got run over by a car or two right in front of our eyes on the Belt Parkway, which ran adjacent to the creek. I still remember it rolling around under the speeding vehicles. For years later - into adulthood - I froze, literally, every time I'd see a dog near traffic. This poor hound's eye was hanging out after all as said and done. Somehow, he survived & we managed to retrieve him & carry his tough - and heavy - little body to a phone booth, crying all the way, where we called the police. I wonder what ever happened to that poor dog.

Yeah, by brother Ronnie, Jamie [Doc], Eddie & Roger Makowski [who lived across the street], maybe Timmy Baldwin, and one or two others, we used to hike that creek with gusto. And, along with Ann, Barbara Meltzer, Judy Makowski, Kathy Keys, Billy Carero, Douglas Hallberg ... we romped up & down Amherst Avenue & Everett Street ... playing Robin Hood through the summer months ... hot, sweaty evenings of pure fun!

Ah, summer. Early, sunshiny mornings ... meeting out under the tree, still in our PJs, to formulate plans for the day. Mostly, those plans involved our National Pastime ... baseball ... out on Bombers Field.

... to be continued ...

Edited by - richfed on February 28 2003 7:20:18 PM

Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - February 23 2003 :  1:10:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice Job Richie, it takes me back to a time when life was so innoncent, care free...I used to love going down to the creek and twin ponds to fish, or down to suicide hill to sleigh ride...or to any of those places just to explore and see what we could find or what trouble we could get in to, as we got older it got to be a little less innocent as I'm sure your to be continues post will get into..
Love ya Richie,
Your Bean always...
" I look back at the way I use to look at life
Soft white dreams with sugur coated outsides
It was great, so Great
Young and Innocent Days "...Raymond Douglas Davies

Edited by - Bean on February 23 2003 1:12:37 PM
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - February 23 2003 :  1:29:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Now I am going to have to write something too like that now, including my first meeting up with Foch, and when Vince and the Ianello's moved in next store, Ricky and Johnnie Ertz, and Remember Eddie Grant and his family at 92 Elmont Rd..., Ralphie on the corner of Sobro and Elmont, The Redmens, and more from just around the corner from Evertte, Amherst, and Franklin, Rd...
bean from 27 Sobro !

Edited by - Bean on February 23 2003 1:30:56 PM
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Into the 60's

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Posted - February 27 2003 :  7:00:24 PM  Show Profile  Send doc an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I remember all of those days from the very first moving day from Brooklyn. Especially the summer days, our families shared those rasberry bushes. We would go out and collect rasberries to put in our cereal in the morning.. Plans for the day in our matching baseball PJ's. That was before we had a garage. We had to be about 4 or 5 . We had an awful lot of freedom for little guys.
Bombers field was active from 8:30 AM until it got too dark to play ball. Ann Szatsmary... I would go to her house for math tutoring during finals in ninth grade. I didn't need math tutoring but I did need to watch her sunbathing by the pool. On occasion Kathy Keys was also there. What marvelous eye candy for a 14 year old.
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - February 28 2003 :  02:25:52 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And my eye candy as a kid growing up was Vince's sister Gracelyn, I had her all to myself until Rickie Ertz came along, " Spoiled Again " Rickie care to elaborate on our fueds over Gracelyn? But I was the lucky one who lived right next store... and they had a pool too !!Speaking of Gracelyn we have to get her on here too, I see Vince's emails have her email in his copy list...she's still a pretty girl to this day...Saw her at a Stanko art show a little while back...I think she was my first puppy love, maybe even slightly real.

Edited by - Bean on February 28 2003 02:26:29 AM
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Into the 60's

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Posted - February 28 2003 :  7:16:16 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by doc

I didn't need math tutoring but I did need to watch her sunbathing by the pool. On occasion Kathy Keys was also there. What marvelous eye candy for a 14 year old.

DOC!!!! I'm absolutely shocked!


What a long, strange trip it's been!
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 02 2003 :  12:12:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Still A Babe

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Posted - March 05 2003 :  9:54:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It great to hear everyone bringing up details of the old days, because everyone has their own view of all these events. For all these years we've carried only our own rememberances around with us. Thanks for filling in some gaps for me. More details... It was JAMIE DOC who ran into the middle of the Belt Parkway to save that dog. I remember it clear as day. Tells you something about his character!..... Yeah, Bombers Field was something special and as was so often the case RICHY was the brains of the outfit! We broke so many windows and everyone would yell, "Why don't you go down to the schoolyard!?!?!?" Remember when VINNY broke Bluebello's upper floor bedroom window and we were so amazed at his POWER?!?!? And poor Mr. Dougherty...We wrecked his fence, bent it all in from the bats and balls crashing into it...And we all used to sit on top of it and he would get SOOOO upset...Oh yeah, and the cherry fights-Doc's tree and the Power's tree supplied most of the ammo!!! We could go on all day...Well, just have to keep making new memories!
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 06 2003 :  5:42:36 PM  Show Profile  Send doc an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Ronaald, I forgot that you were on that squashed bulldog expedition but then again, you were on all of the creek expeditions. I recall all of us being very tramatized. I also remember running along and on the parkway, dodging cars trying to catch that little guy. We wound up on the corner of Merrick Rd. and brookville Blvd.

Remember tree houses or more like tree platforms down near the creek in Laurelton. ? I bet the nails are still there from about 1962.

Edited by - doc on March 07 2003 4:31:05 PM
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Still A Babe

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Posted - March 07 2003 :  9:53:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, Doc, I guess we were traumatized because we all still remember it. I remember you zig-zagging in the parkway. The dog's eye was hanging out of the socket. Sorry for the gore. I'm sure the police put him to sleep. Maybe we should go on another hike and do some excavating .
Originally posted by doc

Ronaald, I forgot that you were on that squashed bulldog expedition but then again, you were on all of the creek expeditions. I recall all of us being very tramatized. I also remember running along and on the parkway, dodging cars trying to catch that little guy. We wound up on the corner of Merrick Rd. and brookville Blvd.

Remember tree houses or more like tree platforms down near the creek in Laurelton. ? I bet the nails are still there from about 1962.

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Still A Babe

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Posted - March 08 2003 :  11:18:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I remember moving from Bed Sty to Valley Stream in 7th grade.

Playing stick ball on Essex St. and a grand slam was hitting it down the Foccis driveway.

Having a crush on Diane Reed and teasing her mean german shepard.

Having "wet dream accidents" thinking of that hot young blonde housewife that lived across from the Foccis in the corner house.

All the kids from Blessed Sacrament watching Kevin O'Neil fight the kid from Brooklyn.

The creek, suicide hill, beer and on occation some green concoction mixtures stolen from our parents liquor cabinets. Partners in crime usually included Brian, Butch, Dink, Eddie, Doc, Tons of Fun and my parents had the green stuff which I think was Creme de Menth....NASTY!

Joy riding in my dads new Cutlass at 14 and picking up Dink cause Doc was too smart to get in.

Pelting a cops car with snow balls from the burned out house at the fork of Old Creek and ??????....I can't remember right now but it was either Doc or Dink as my accomplice.

Blastin Hendrix & Led Zepplin while my parents were at work and almost burning down the house watching "A Ziltch"

The Miranda Bros. Dave & Eddie with there manager Allen and muscular friend Ernie from Brooklyn to play at Judys backyard party.


Edited by - BENNY on March 10 2003 7:22:16 PM
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 09 2003 :  06:32:41 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Some real classics in there, Benny! Laughing my rear-end off! Look forward to more ...
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 09 2003 :  10:56:36 AM  Show Profile  Send doc an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I remember the Kevin O'Neill fight and the burnt house police pelting incident. It was I who was with you. I stayed at your houuse that night . I don't recall any garage incident though but do remember the Ziltch! You are correct ...we did almost burn down your house....the ceiling caught fire and Pete Inslee was the first to jump up and put it out. Don't know how we got away with it...scrounging around for white paint to paint the ceiling. I also vagely recall Peggy's dad grabbing at her hair while chasing her and coming away with only a "fall" (hair extention). He didn't think it was funny.
The first time I heard the Doors "Unknown Soldier"? was at Dave and Eddie's house in Brooklyn. What street was that.?...they lived on the same street as the brewery. 10 cent cokes at the Laundrymat near the El stop on Broadway. How about the warm Colt '45 day at Long Beach with all the Brooklyn boys. Interesting memories.
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Still A Babe

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Posted - March 10 2003 :  7:36:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That was Myrtle Ave. stop in Brooklyn on the BMT line, then.

I knew you would always remember that colt 45 day at Long Beach. I think everyone got sick. You even sent me a very tastefully colored re-touched photo years later of the entrance to PLAYLAND. Very cool!
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 15 2003 :  01:28:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Remeber the Tuesday Teqilla parties down on the beach under the boardwalk in Long Beach...? or the Beggers Banquet Fall Thanksgiving Feast at the VS State Park...?

FranKie Bean
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Still A Babe

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Posted - March 15 2003 :  4:42:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Benny- The old burnt out house was at the fork of Hook Creek Road and Brookville Blvd. I remember snooping aound that house with my buddies (Marc Facci, Ed Russell, Cliff Abbate etc.) when it was still occupied, and being chased out by a woman with a BUTCHER KNIFE!! Like a scene from "PSYCHO"!!! We were nuts! Then after the fire we were idiotic enough to go in again and the burnt stairs collapsed while we were climbing upstairs!! Brilliant stuff!!
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 17 2003 :  07:12:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What about the party we had in the new house that was being built on that block that parallels Everette St, just before Carol Ave and Ormande Blvd, I can't think of the name of it right now, but I remember we were all in there getting high and drinking when the cops showed up and were all diving our every opening...If I remeber right Butch said something stupid to the cops? I can'r recall to much of the details? -FranK

btw Ronnie I remember that house at the Hook Creek Fork well, when ever I would watch the Adams Family or Munsters I'd think of that house.
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 17 2003 :  07:15:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ronnie you Must tell the finding the rifle in the shed or was it a an old house story. I wasn't there and don't know the details other than that it was amazing you weren't killed. It was you it hapenned to right? If I'm not mistaken it was right near or on the block where the back or side of Memorial JHS is - Bean

Edited by - Bean on March 17 2003 10:26:47 AM
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 17 2003 :  4:05:37 PM  Show Profile  Send doc an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bean

Ronnie you Must tell the finding the rifle in the shed or was it a an old house story. I wasn't there and don't know the details other than that it was amazing you weren't killed. It was you it hapenned to right? If I'm not mistaken it was right near or on the block where the back or side of Memorial JHS is - Bean

That hppened during the summer of 1964 in one of the abandonded Sloan houses on Hendrickson Ave.

Richie opened a closet and found three guns. A .22, a duck hunting pump shotgun , and a double barrell shotgun that was rusted and in two pieces.
Henry Cavanaugh took the pump gun, pumped it once , pointed it at my stomach and pulled the trigger. It was empty. Richie being of more intelligence pointed the 22 toward the window and pulled the trigger. It fired off three rounds. one at a TV screen. I will never forget it. Had Henry grabbed the 22 It is very likely that I wouldn't be here today. I think Ronnie was there also.
Richie brought the rifle home on his red Schwinn and his dad took the firing pin out. Imagine a kid riding his bike today with a rifle across the handle bars. One of the luckiest days of my life.

Edited by - doc on March 17 2003 4:29:17 PM
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 17 2003 :  11:58:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Doc -
Thanks for the facts on that story, I would have sworn it hapenned later like more in the later 60's and I thought it was with Ronnie...I guess I only heard the story under in the influence...
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 18 2003 :  06:21:16 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
I remember that well!!! I had pointed the .22 at Ronnie first, but pulled it away at the last second.

A bit pressed for time ... more later, but who remembers being robbed at this very site once?


What a long, strange trip it's been!

Edited by - richfed on March 18 2003 06:22:59 AM
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 19 2003 :  12:00:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Now I'm really confused, I thought it was Ronnie the gun thing hapenned to with you Richie but is Doc telling of another story that also happened to him. I never heard the story with Doc and Henry...
and I do remember it being in a house or shack on Hendrickson near Memorial...but Doc also made it sounded like it was there to...either Im having acid flashbacks, confused ot there is an amazing coincidence going on here...I vote for the flashbacks ! - Bean

and no I don't remember any thing about a being robbed at that location story...please tell the details Richie !

Edited by - Bean on March 19 2003 12:02:11 AM
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 19 2003 :  05:27:57 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Details? You want details???? Man, you ask a lot of an old, faded mass of gray matter! I can't remember all this stuff!!!

The 2 gun incidents happened on the same day, same place. I believe at least one of those guns ended up down the sewer eventually. I remember well the musty smell of the place, a ketchup bottle [don't ask me why that sticks in my mind!!!!], old calendars, writings ... the place was fully stocked & furnished - like the people that had lived there had simply vanished. It was quite an adventure place for a bunch of young lads ...

Yeah, one time, we were robbed - of some loose change, crayons, baseball cards - whatever we had in our pockets. Some of us were outside, others inside, someone was climbing through the window ... I think we were on our way out. Suddenly, a gang of "thugs" were there ... at least some of those outside scattered & returned home. The rest of us were robbed!

That's about all I can remember.


What a long, strange trip it's been!
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Still Hangin' At The Mailbox

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Posted - March 19 2003 :  06:10:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey my old grey matter custard brain friend...thanks for the details, you learn something new everyday. I never knew there were the 2 gun incidents at the same spot the same day !!! The one that hapenned to DOC is the one I never heard about before until Doc posted a response here back to my mention and recollection of the story as I knew it...I knew I wasn't go crazy when I thought it hapenned to Ronnie and you! and speaking of gun incidents that reminds me of the time we were were stranded in Wash. DC and looking for a place to stay when some guy befriended us and we started to follow him back to the House of Sceincetology but I noticed he had a pistol tucked in to his waste band so we took off...Bean

Warrington Va. the place were more stories can come from like our Easy Rider movie memory...or smoking weed on the court house or police station front steps and not knowing we were there !

Edited by - Bean on March 19 2003 06:11:49 AM
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Still A Babe

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Posted - March 20 2003 :  9:34:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also did not know that Doc could have been a goner also that day. Yes, Richy did point the gun at me, but I had no fear, as I didn't even think of DANGER. I remember it well, when Richy then moved the gun slightly and fired it off through a window. I remember the old funiture, toys, dishes, dollhouses etc in those shacks; climbing and jumping off the roofs and riding our bikes in a caravan on our journeys! And yes, we did get ripped off by some kids, I think to the tune of 10 cents (Hey, it would have bought one comic book! )
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Into the 60's

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Posted - March 20 2003 :  10:56:29 PM  Show Profile  Send doc an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ronnie

I also did not know that Doc could have been a goner also that day. Yes, Richy did point the gun at me, but I had no fear, as I didn't even think of DANGER. I remember it well, when Richy then moved the gun slightly and fired it off through a window. I remember the old funiture, toys, dishes, dollhouses etc in those shacks; climbing and jumping off the roofs and riding our bikes in a caravan on our journeys! And yes, we did get ripped off by some kids, I think to the tune of 10 cents (Hey, it would have bought one comic book! )

Ronaald - I never realized that we both almost bought the big one that day. I guess I was too busy counting my own blessings.
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