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 Our Doc Plays Lynbrook Friday December 7, 2007

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bean Posted - December 05 2007 : 12:07:55 AM
The JJD Jazz Trio will be at the Broadway Beanery this Friday from 9:30 - 12:30PM.

John Schmeiser - Guitar, Dave Giaconne - percussion, Jamie Dougherty - bass

Broadway Beanery -
23 Atlantic Ave, Lynbrook


Great food!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
doc Posted - July 08 2008 : 12:48:41 AM
I haven't been in that area in a long time. Some time in the 70's they moved from Linden Blvd. to Elmont Rd. I doubt they are still in business. If not, I wonder what they did with all those polka books?

Not to mention the priceless "cordeen" collection!
richm Posted - July 05 2008 : 11:44:35 PM
Is Alden (the Alden School of Music) still there in Alden Terrace. I wish I had the showcase of Gibson guitars that was in stock there when I was a child learning how to mangle the instrument.
elena Posted - June 27 2008 : 3:24:18 PM
Beanerino, I didn't see Ray Davies at Hampton Court because tickets were very expensive and I don't have a burning desire to see him every time he plays.
doc Posted - June 25 2008 : 3:42:44 PM
Sorry. Although Martin Mull is one of my favorite composers, I never learned that one.
I checked Alden Music and the most contemporary polka they stock was from a 1960 Lawrence Welk collection.
richm Posted - June 24 2008 : 01:50:42 AM
Yes....please play the 2001 Polka.
doc Posted - June 22 2008 : 2:19:54 PM
Ahhhh. That "cordeen" continues to rear his little bellowed head! It's a deal. I can play a mean version of "My Wild Irish Rose" But first I will need to run over to Downs school of music for the sheet music.

Would you settle for a nice polka instead?
richm Posted - June 22 2008 : 02:58:38 AM
Can't arrange for the ticket, Doc, but I may be able to scrounge up a cordeen for you to use while you're in town.
doc Posted - June 21 2008 : 7:27:24 PM
Doc: Any chance that your jazz trio will come out and play in Las Vegas this summer?<<<<"

I'll send you a cd. You book it, we will be there!
doc Posted - June 21 2008 : 07:07:14 AM
Just, "send me a ticket for an aero plane"; and "I'll be there!"

I sang that tune "The Letter" last night and can't seem to get it out of my head. Wes's 4 on 6 is also repeating over and over ..................
richm Posted - June 21 2008 : 03:14:25 AM
Doc: Any chance that your jazz trio will come out and play in Las Vegas this summer?
Bean Posted - June 14 2008 : 12:31:00 AM
elena, don't forget to let me know when you're coming to NY...
are you going to see the Ray shows at Hampton Court, in London next week??? I st spoke with him, he knows I can't make it but we're seeing him in Canada in July and he's coming back here in the fall...

elena Posted - June 13 2008 : 3:16:43 PM
Oh that is so cool what Kerri is doing! What a fantastic experience!

I don't know when my next NY visit will be. Either autumn of this year or spring '09. Any plans for a Halloween party?

elena Posted - June 13 2008 : 3:14:35 PM
doc Posted - May 20 2008 : 11:19:52 AM
Sorry Elena, for not responding. I haven't been here in a while. Kerri loves art school (MICA) and loves Baltimore. I dropped her off at JFK at 4:00 AM today. She is on her way to Nicaragua for a month to save the world. One mural at a time.

Any plans to visit NY in the future?
elena Posted - December 05 2007 : 12:43:50 PM
Wish I could come hear you Jamie!

How is your daughter liking art school?

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