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 Aloha...,,Bookem' Dano, Bean off to Hawaii !

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bean Posted - November 01 2003 : 3:19:40 PM
I'll be in Hawaii from November 8th thru the 17th...Bean
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bean Posted - November 19 2003 : 12:47:28 AM
While on the Island of Maui last week I had a rental mustang convertible ( I was lying about the Vipor just to get Louie Jealous ! ) and really gave it a work out...I should be the poster child for why no one should ever buy a car from a rental company, on the twisitng " Road to Hana " and also up to the volcano at over 10,000 feet above sea level I gave the tires, suspension, engine, tranny and brakes a brutal workout...I hit speeds up to about 75 to 80 on the very short
straights...down on the rest of the Island on the long straights I had the pedel to the floor and all she would do is about 110, after that in barely crept up so slowly I would always run out of road. I don't think it had much more than 112 to 115 at most left in her.
When ever I am on vacation in a rental car my alt ego " the crazy american tourist " emerges...Andrea is planning to take videos from the passenger seat and sell them on ebay like " the girls gone wild " videos, this will be called " The Crazy American Tourist " goes wild in Maui or wher ever the location is at the time.

Bean Posted - November 18 2003 : 02:33:40 AM
Ha-why-e....that's why?
Just so I could rent a Vipor and see how fast I could get it up to on the open roads near the Pineapple Fields...had it up to 157....but on Maui on the Road to Hana, now that was a blast !!!
Beano Andretti
Cottonmouth Posted - November 16 2003 : 07:05:55 AM

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