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 hello from Elena R.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ElenaR Posted - March 23 2003 : 9:29:04 PM

I am really amazed that some of us still have some brain cells left.Happy to see your names and read your posts. Have been in touch with a few of you over the years thanks to computers. I live in Okla. and haven't been to NY since 12/2001.Lou & I were going to see Jeff in N.H. but NY had 18 inches of snow that day. Frank, I HAD A BIG MOUTH?It's strange how some people can STILL PISS ME OFF 35 yrs later. Just kidding. I will be thinking of some stories that come to mind, and most of you are in them. Also, I will dig up some old pics and attempt to post them.Hey Lou-how come nobody has mentioned Gus & the Gumdrops? Doc, should I have used the nickname you gave me? Speak to you soon old friends. elena rovello
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cottonmouth Posted - March 26 2003 : 4:15:08 PM
Seriously: We'll bury it in the recesses of time. My lips are sealed forever. By the way, that's not Lilly and Lisa that's my wife and kids...and of course Haywood, whos' tongue holds some sort of wierd fascination for the other elena on this site. Won't touch THAT one...Also, please be advised that SWEET s**t ALWAYS comes out of my mouth you worthless, senile b**ch!!
P.S. Lets see those pictures. Have you seen the others yet?
ElenaR Posted - March 26 2003 : 3:34:27 PM
Ok guys,
Maybe I don't care what it was. (that's a lie) Besides I think I look Hot and gorgeous now. Remember boys-I GOT PICTURES. Lou, I don't think I remember Lisa and Lillian resembling PEZ PEOPLE. But everytime YOU opened your mouth something SWEET came out! (that's a lie too) Soon, Elena
PS: I think the nickname was beautiful princess!
Cottonmouth Posted - March 26 2003 : 11:50:44 AM
I know the nickname! So the real question is this: 1. Kizzy: What's it worth to you for me to stay quiet? and 2. Bean: What's it worth it to you for me to tell? Let the bidding begin!!!
Bean Posted - March 25 2003 : 11:55:52 PM
Doc was that TV show " It's about Time " the one about the astronauts? and the theme song went something like this " It's about time, It's about space, it's about 2 men from the human race, here is their tale..."

Gigantor & the 8 Man 2 more kid shows whose theme songs popped in to my head just now.

btw, Still no idea what Elena's nick name could have been?
doc Posted - March 25 2003 : 10:00:36 PM
Originally posted by kizzy

Doc, should I have used the nickname you gave me?

Kizzy -
I do regret assigning that moniker to you while in the eight grade. Never meant it to cause such grief. I think it was Gerry Redden's fault the name stuck. Yeah....thats it....It was Gerry's fault. He's to blame. He's the one! The name came from a TV show called "It's About Time". I think I found a similarity in the hair styles. I can't remember exactly what the name was.... I remember nicknames like ...Dink, ...Doof......, Babyfats,....Beano....P***** Head.....Skinny Vinny.....Old Wierd Berry......but can't seem to remember yours.

Also, Bean...I honestly do not recall "General Dump". I think I like it though.
Cottonmouth Posted - March 25 2003 : 5:03:00 PM
Kizzy: Should I tell them or should we wait for Doc?
Bean Posted - March 25 2003 : 10:50:25 AM
and speaking of nick names like Elena brought up ( saying Doc had one for her? ) well Doc had one for me when ever I packed on the lbs...
he would call me General Dump !oh well I deserved it but thanks to DOC shaming me & ( Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll ) ie: being in bands, doing lots of drugs especially speed, and getting lots of sex & excercise,not to mention my hyper personality I remain in my scaled and slimmed down form to this day, probably about the same weight as in some of the pictures Richie has just posted...Frank aka Bean
PS so what was Doc's nick name for Elena..?

" Generals gathered in their masses
just like witches at black masses "...
Bean Posted - March 25 2003 : 07:07:42 AM
Hey ELENA...glad to see you here ! Also thanks for letting me know I still have the power ! ( to annoy and piss people off that is !!] I'm looking forward to your telling of some of the old stories...as only you can !
So where in Oklahoma are you, Foch's brother Marc lives there too. If Michael and Karen's plans for a summer reunion party don't pan out can we have our big reunion party at your resturant there? Is there a stage big enough for Gus and The Gum Drops, Finger, Dust, Gibbous, Tree, Cottonmouth,FTW & my BIG MOUTH ! and don't forget the Free teqilla, Jack Daniels,for all of us especially me and the Southern Comfort for Arthur in our dressing rooms!
FranK,...Power to the People...John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
People Have the Power...Patti Smith
and this from Ray Davies
" All life we work but work is bore,
If life's for livin' what's livin' for,
She lives in a house that's near decay,
Built for the industrial revolution,
But in her dreams she is far away,
In Oklahoma U.S.A.
With Shirley Jones and Gordon McRea,
As she buys her paper at the corner shop,
She's walkin' on the surrey with the fringe on top,
Cos in her dreams she is far away,
In Oklahoma U.S.A.,
She walks to work but she's still in a daze,
She's Rita Hayworth or Doris Day,
And Errol Flynn's gonna take her away,
To Oklahoma U.S.A.,
All life we work but work is a bore,
If life's for livin' then what's livin' for. "
richfed Posted - March 25 2003 : 05:37:38 AM
Hi Elena!

Good to see you here old buddy, old pal! Well, not old!

Cottonmouth Posted - March 23 2003 : 11:07:40 PM
Well, well, well. Kizzy is it? Where does that come from? Would rather forget the whole Gus and... thing but since this is an old home week site I'll be a good sport. Remember the first appearance of Gus? It was for the pool try outs at the Green. We drove up onstage in a '57 Chevy. We had two drummers: Louis Martino and Bob Carrapezza (I think) Rubenstein played guitar as well as Joe Greco. I forget who played bass. Oh yeah, and I was Gus! We did a pool dance a High School dance (actually got paid for both!) and sundry backyard parties here and there. By the way where is Greco and is he still married?

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