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 Jerry Pennolino

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - March 18 2003 : 06:31:07 AM
Whenever I think of Jeff & Arthur, I think of Jerry. Where's he at these days?
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
richm Posted - November 16 2005 : 9:21:38 PM
Doc: Mike is an artist? I am somewhat of an artist, too. What a coincidence!
doc Posted - November 16 2005 : 4:02:55 PM
Mike and his brother Les taught me how to play football. We used to go see the "Green Hornet" games at Fireman's field. Mike now lives in San Francisco and is an artist. His brother Les lives in San Jose and plays blues harp with a blues band.
richm Posted - November 16 2005 : 10:13:02 AM
A kid I knew from elementary school at Shaw through Central High '65 lived on Everett St. His name was Mike Rosenthal. Anyone remember him or his family?
lucy in the sky Posted - May 17 2005 : 11:31:20 PM
heard from michael and last he knew jerry had moved to florida. If anyone knows where, let me know..thanks Bean...great site and thanks richfed for all your help and patience geting me registerd
lucy in the sky Posted - May 11 2005 : 6:11:27 PM
.thanks Bean....i'll do that one of these days...
Bean Posted - April 19 2005 : 12:16:51 AM
email Michael Stankowitz at stankoart@aol.com and he can put you in touch with Jerry. I haven't seen Jerry if a few years now. I have great memories of Jerry and we fitst met and playing music with him.
lucy in the sky Posted - April 18 2005 : 07:11:27 AM
if anyone runs into jerry pennolino tell him someone in pleasant valley is still waiting for him to visit!
richfed Posted - March 31 2003 : 06:33:04 AM
Originally posted by zangstanko

I will always remember hearing Jerry play "Ripple" in the store on accoustic guitar. It was stunningly beautiful.

Would loved to have heard that! "Ripple" is one of my all-time favorites!! Jerry! If you hear me ... record that & send it to me! We can even set it up on the site so folks could listen in!

Regarding Judy Doc ... last time I had the good fortune to see her was at my Grandma's 100th birthday, about 3 years ago. Bean, I agree with your assessment! She's wonderful!
Bean Posted - March 31 2003 : 12:39:16 AM
Yeah Jerry and that goes ditto for me...I especially loved our wrestling matches out behind central during lunch. My first memory of you was when we sat next to each other in Italian class and we would talk music and bands and play the " Maxwell House Coffee Jingle " on our heads together, then you invited me to a Gibbous practice in Jeffery's basement with Arthut and my life was forever changed...! - Frank
zangstanko Posted - March 30 2003 : 10:04:25 PM
Over a year ago I ran into Jerry on 6th Avenue, he on his way to NBC and me to Polo. He stopped to pick up coffee; I opted not to join him and haven't heard from him snce. Anyway, speaking of memories at Jenny's, I will always remember hearing Jerry play "Ripple" in the store on accoustic guitar. It was stunningly beautiful. Jerry, I really love you, believe it or not.
Bean Posted - March 23 2003 : 12:04:27 PM
Judy looked great to me when I saw her, still full of life and and as funny as ever..Jimmy will have to fill you in though with any more details, I forgot what she has been and is up to recently..I hope she gets on this forum sooner or later, she could really stir things up a bit ! - Frank ( sorry about starting the Andy Kaufman thing...I can remember a while back when I was heavier getting the John Belushi ref: and now it's the yonger Rod Stewart thing )
Cottonmouth Posted - March 23 2003 : 09:55:27 AM
Nope, no murders in my history.....YET
But keep up this 'Andy Kaufman' thing and I'll be tempted to reconsider! Seriously though how is Judy Doc? What's she up to these days?
Bean Posted - March 22 2003 : 09:40:50 AM
Lou..the murder thing was what Judy Doc. told me last Summer when I ran in to her at one of Mike Stankowitz's art shows...somehow I didn't think it was true, not the quiet sweet loveable Lou is use to know ? Then again I thought maybe the physcological damage done to you from playing in our bands has finally caught up with you !

and Jeffery be sure to give Jerry a gretting from me too...I haven't seen him in a few years now...I hope we all can meet at the possible reunion party this summer...? Jeff call me at work again !

Frank aka Bean here. I wanna be well...Joey Ramone

" Temperatures rising, fever is high "
Oh I'll be a good boy, please make me well,
I'll promise you anything to get me out of this Hell "
Cottonmouth Posted - March 22 2003 : 03:34:58 AM
Moonhaze9: Tell Jerry I said hello, back
Cottonmouth Posted - March 22 2003 : 03:28:33 AM
Bean: That's priceless. Murder, eh? Who was it and why? One of those love triangles or was it for money? Lets start a real juicy rumor.
moonhaze9 Posted - March 21 2003 : 7:46:34 PM
Hello All.

Yes Frank, you are quite correct about Jerry's whereabouts. He is doing well and asked me to say hello to everyone. HELLO.
I speak to him sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. Lovely.
He is very on and off with NBC. Causes him some stress. I try to convince him to enjoy his time off...since they always call him back. Anyway...he is working now, but doesn't expect to be for long.
He is aware of this message board thingy... but he's not a big fan of typing on the old keyboard.
That's about it from the Granite State.
Thank You.
Bean Posted - March 19 2003 : 4:39:14 PM
Yeah, Michael and Laren can contact Jerry...email Michael
at stankoart@aol.com or Instant message him he is on line quite a bit...so Louie what are you doing now, after I got through the idea of what Judy Doc told me about you being in Jail for murder as probably not being true, I heard you were managing apt. buldings in New Jersey? Hopefully the Jail murder thing isn't true !!!

Cottonmouth Posted - March 19 2003 : 08:08:48 AM
Aren't we getting off the subject of Jerry? Can anyone contact him? How about Karen? Anyway, you're correct, I did date Lucia for about two years back in the late 80's when I first got divorced. Last I heard she was living in Huntington but this info is over ten years old. Great girl, very sweet person, hope things worked out well for her...
Bean Posted - March 19 2003 : 06:20:00 AM
As for Steve " Flash " Lasokdi , I think it was back in the 80's sometime when he passed away from complications related to aids. All I know he was working as an usher at Carnagie Hall for quite a while.-MY best memory of Flash ( other then him being a really great guy ) is when we did this really concentrated Hashish Oil for the first time up in his room ( his house was right near the Green )and then went to the Green, If 'm not mistaken either Jeff Zohler or Louie Dolci was there with us too, but it was an amazing high...we were totally stoned out of our freaking minds almost to the point of halluncinating...
" Stoned Free to do as I Please "...Bean
richfed Posted - March 19 2003 : 05:43:48 AM
I remember Flash well ... that's all. When you can, fill me in on his death.
Bean Posted - March 18 2003 : 12:10:35 PM
I'll tell you more later because I have to go now, but basically I haven't seen Jerry in about 3 years, I usually see him at a Karen and Michael social event at their house as they are close with him, Jerry is working for NBC in NYC doing something technical with cables and such for their studios, because it's a Union Job he is not always working all year though...I think he is still living in an apt. owned by Kathy Lasokdi on LI near her great Cajun resturant The Bayou in Bellmore...remember Kathy Richie? and her late Brother Steve aka as FLASH, and there was the knockout younger Sister Nancy too...speaking of knockouts what ever hapenned to Lucia Greco Joes Sister,...come on Louie weren't you dating her for a a while?
I'll fill you in with more details later about Steve passing away and how I first met Jerry and he took me back to Jeff Zohlers house to see Gibbous for the first time...a life changing moment !

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