I have just been watching Sky News reporting the Israeli attack on Lebanon.In the report they showed the recent visit by the Labanese Prime Minister to the White House.It showed Bush with his arm around the premier saying how he admired the growing democracy,the Cedar revolution and peace in his country.And now a few short weeks after this he is giving Israel the green light to shell it into oblivion.What a two faced scumbag. Israel makes much of its right to defend its citizens.Well rights bring with them obligations like respecting the integrity and borders of neighbouring countries which Israel has patently not done with its wars of agression in 48,56,67 and 81.
I suppose if you put two cats into a bag they are going to tear each other to shreads and that is what happened when the UN voted Israel into existance.All very well voting Israel into existing but when the new state had no secure borders it was conflict from day one.After years of persecution,pograms and the holocaust the Israelis were not going to rely on goodfaith to guarantee their security thus the war of 48,56,67,and various invasions into Lebanon. Over 300 dead ,thousands wounded and 1/2 a million homeless and all put down to collateral damage.If collateralism is acceptable is there any limit to how much can be inflicted?