Well, yesterday (10.6.24) I went to a new (woke) "Time-Line" event. Lightly attended to say the least. Some of the participants were leaving early - lack of attentance. - "Small groups" (2-5) representing the Middle-Ages, Vietam era, WWII & the Chinese Boxer Rebellion for some reason. - The ONLY "Time-Line" folks there concerning the F&I War was Lynn White. - Fitz, Lynn said to say hi. - No re-enactments took place, simply displays of eqipment & uniforms. - Both Saturday & Sunday had great weather - apparently the new WOKE program is as popular as the Bud-Light commercial. . Image Insert: 1046.01 KB
I have seen that around here. It's going to kill the hobby. Everybody is talking about the Rev War 250 events, but I am afraid they are all going to be just wreath-laying and speech-making. The public will get tired of that in a hurry.
"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"