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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - March 21 2010 : 08:42:03 AM
Long-lost relatives, friends from the old neighborhood [dating back to the 50s], schoolmates, cross-country traveling mates, band members from my old band, former flames, coworkers, people from all phases of my life ... right up to the present ... and including a slew of present and former Mohican Board members ... found them all on Facebook [or, they found me] ... in a few cases not for the better. Overall, it has been a great tool for reconnecting with dear people from my past.
I find it counter-intuitive for real conversation, though. Many simply play various games; some use it to announce their every move of the day; lots of blurbs and the like ... but ... not much in-depth anything.
Just wondering what your thoughts are about Facebook?
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - March 21 2010 : 08:57:15 AM
Homey don't do Facebook...............I have other means of contacting those whom I choose to re-connect with, and who really cares what my status is right now ("Mike is having coffee and staring out the window at the grass growing.") Besides, I have enough to do without getting addicted to getting carpal tunnel from pounding my keyboard and ruining my eyesight staring at a monitor all day. (Do enough of that anyway!), not to mention the bad things that can happen to such exposure to the world........and yourself from seemingly innocent baring of the soul and 'secrets', your identity, etc. |
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'
~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle
 ~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~ |
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2005
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Posted - March 21 2010 : 3:43:13 PM
I fully agree on that one. I am in contact often enough with my friends. Even my high school graduating class meets once a month for a lunch that usually lasts two or more hours. The idea of spilling my guts out and pasting it all over the internet does not appeal to me. However it does to my daughters. Why, I don't know. And as much as I would like to read what they decided to write, I still will not become a "member" to do that!
As a side note, is supposed to be a way to connect with old school mates. So, I decided this might be a way to find out what ever happened to someone I met from North Carolina. However to see the site for a particular school, you have to register as a graduate of that school. And since I was already registered as a graduate of my own school in Greenville, SC, I simple registered as a graduate of the NC school under a fictitious name. Now I get these messages saying "Hugh Todd, an old classmate left a message for you". Now, realize, that Hugh Todd never existed! Anywhere! So what's up with this?
I will add that some years ago, was instrumental in making a connection with someone from my past. Be careful what you wish for. |
 "Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet" |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: October 13 2006
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Posted - March 22 2010 : 08:19:10 AM
I use it purely as a way to keep in touch with my friends, who are scattered all over the place, thanks to the way grad school and jobs in academia work. It's nice to see what my old college roomies are up to, or my friends who are on fellowships in Europe. I don't play any of the games or use any of the apps because of that scary clause that says something like "Allow Facebook to know who you are and access your profile." Random people can find you, and find out information about you, when you use the apps, so I don't. I also have my privacy settings set really high, which makes it really hard to find me. :D |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2007
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Posted - March 22 2010 : 4:19:51 PM
I've thought about this a lot, Rich, because I continually get e-mails from "friends" who have invited me to friend them on facebook (interesting how facebook has made "friend" into a verb!). My husband also has joined and plays the games. . .whatever!
The main reason I'm not interested is that it isn't really for people who are my "friends." People who want to talk to me on facebook are really just acquaintances. They don't want to take the time to call me or get together. They just want to post a piece of information and hope that some one of the many that they have friended will be interested in it. If they were really interested in ME, specifically, knowing about something in their life, they would write or call ME...not send an announcement out to everyone. In my opinion, the whole thing just diminishes friendship because people don't have to make an effort anymore. I make an effort to connect with people who are my friends and I don't want "friends" who won't. |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 18 2002
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Posted - March 22 2010 : 5:59:08 PM
Naaah, me neither. For all the various reasons above. I did do the linkedin but even that is limited.
I'm just not that trusting.
Diana |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - March 22 2010 : 6:50:19 PM
Well, as you know, Rich, I am on Facebook. I resisted for a long time, but a friend finally talked me into it. I had not been there more than about 2 days when an old high school best friend, who I had lost touch with years ago, contacted me. I was thrilled.
However, I don't post much. Now and then, I make a comment on someone's posting. As you say, though, it is just not a good venue for having conversations like we do here on this board. I also don't do the games. Once in a while, I will participate in a "This week is" type of thing. Retro Week was kind of fun. I have to say that it was a Happy Day for me when I discovered that I could block all of those silly games that so many people seem to play incessantly. I don't want to know how many boards you need to finish your barn, nor do I want to help you feed your cows... or whatever!
Most people who are my friends don't post their every move, fortunately, and neither do I. For one thing, it is not a good idea to let the whole world know when your whole family is going to leave town and go to Disney World. That is inviting trouble. All it takes is your name and a Google search to find where you live.
So, it can be interesting... at times, but it will never take the place of this board! |
"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been." |
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - March 22 2010 : 8:44:53 PM
I'm there. I don't play the games and I've found it to be a very good tool to reunite with old friends since I don't live in my hometown anymore. I've found many high school buds there. I also enjoy showing off the family and new granddaughter...well, not really new, 18 months old. I share several photos of various and sundry things that would take up way too much space here...and probably bore some to tears.
Theresa |
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - March 22 2010 : 11:11:13 PM
As those of you that are on FB know - I too am on facebook.I rather like it. I had a very close high school class and now converse regularly with at least 30 of them, including my best friend growing up. We lived next door to each other from 2nd - 12 grades and once off to college we only kept up once every 5 years at reunions. was fun at first but I found we were paying $15ish a year just to talk about those 5 year reunions. Dropped it after 1 year.
I also get to follow some things more closely like what is going on in my home town, at Grandfather Mountain, in the Celtic music world, work related sites, etc.
I too, do not play the games, post about once a week (unless responding to someone's post) and get regular updates on my mobile phone - yep, my name is Diana, and I am a techno-junky. Facebook also is so easy to upload and view pics on, even from your mobile phone. Lots of pictures shared there without having to go to all the various and sundry photo posting websites.
I am pretty good at ignoring all the game HooHaa and frivolous posts to utilize it for my interests. I enjoy it!
GG |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: October 13 2006
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Posted - March 23 2010 : 10:07:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by Wilderness Woman
. . . I have to say that it was a Happy Day for me when I discovered that I could block all of those silly games that so many people seem to play incessantly.
Ooh, that's possible? I'll have to figure it out.  |
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Mohicanland Statesman


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 16 2006
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Posted - March 23 2010 : 2:53:45 PM
I joined FB about a year ago and don't regret it at all...most of my "friends" are related to me and most of the rest are actually from right here in Mohicanland!! I too DON'T play those stoopid games but it is a good way to keep track of my friends and family, to a degree. So far it has always been free, but I've heard rumors that, starting this summer, FB will start charging everyone approx. $15 per month! IF that happens, I'm gone! Plus I'm sure there will be quite a few others leaving as well. Still, it's several steps up the foodchain from Myspace, which as near as I can tell, is used mostly by children and pedophiles! |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2003
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 14 2006
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Posted - March 24 2010 : 10:29:58 AM
I find it a great way to keep in touch with friends and family who are in other countries as you can't see them in person or call them much as expensive. Great way to see their photos and they yours. Also like to use the chatroom feature as you can see when friends are on and talk with them.
BTW just because you don't play the games does not mean they are "stupid". Many of us enjoy playing those silly games for fun. I get lots of posts in my "news feed" and on my "wall" from applications I don't use but it does not bother me in the least and if it did I would remove them...NUFF said  |
IG |
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Devoted Tribal Member


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 22 2007
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Posted - March 24 2010 : 11:01:45 AM
Well, I do use Facebook and love it!! Like many of the reasons said above, I unfortunately live far from my family and friends, so this is a great tool to keep my loved ones updated with my little family and the kids. Of course I'm not stupid about posting when we are going away or leaving the house. And I, like Red, have my settings to the highest security level. Yes, I have re-acquainted myself with old high school classmates, but I have learned that they are just as much of a bother as they were years ago. So folks that I have on my friend list that I don't hear from, I end up deleting after some time has passed. They obviously have no time for me and I have no time for them. But I enjoy using Facebook more less just to reconnect with me family and good friends! Yes, I do play Farmville and love it!!! I admit it!! But Farmville is my only down time I get between changing diapers, preparing meals, and housework. So it's my little "mommy time" to myself. I find it relaxing. |
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!"
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - March 24 2010 : 11:30:32 AM
Well, girls, email does the same thing: conversing with and sending to family and friends, pictures, updates, etc..............and is safer. But, hey, if you like it, go for it. I still will not go there. |
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'
~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle
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Monadnock Guide
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: March 14 2005
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: April 23 2007
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Posted - March 26 2010 : 6:20:21 PM
I'm not on Facebook but when I saw this thread I just had to post this:
A couple of the examples verge on being a little crass but I didn't think it was too bad to post. Hope I was right. |
"I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." - Daniel Boone |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - April 02 2010 : 5:58:47 PM
I joined only to keep up with everyone else. I have to know what the kids in school are up to. It is useful to see how my nephews are doing. They like posting.
I do have my preferences set for some privacy. I don't have time to play games. And I'm not into farmville or those other data gathering applications.
Donna |
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Monadnock Guide
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: March 14 2005
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Posted - April 02 2010 : 6:55:12 PM
I work in security, - for a "foreign owned" defense company. That's means "closely watched" to say the least. We just had our annual "security briefing" from a couple of company folks & an FBI agent. - Best briefing I've ever been to, most would put you to sleep - fast. One thing that was brought up time and time again, - "social networking" sites are an invitation (just asking) to having a problem. Folks post the most personal info, - vacation schedules, how long they're gonna be gone, physical/mental/emotional "challenges" - totally unbelievable stuff. - It's the same as putting an ad in the paper or Craigs List, - ASKING for a problem. - Some of the real life examples given - and the resulting horror stories, were beyond belief. - No, I don't have an account with any of those sites, and never have. |
you can keep "The Change" |
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: November 27 2002
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Posted - April 03 2010 : 08:45:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by Longrifle
Oh my goodness! That made me laugh right out loud! It is so true in so many cases!
MG, I think that everyone should have a security briefing like that. But, you know what? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out some of those things! You just have to use your common sense to keep yourself safe. Like I said above... don't be posting things like when your whole family is going to Disneyland. And I have seen that among a few of my friends. (Mike... you may want to warn Nancy.) Before I post something, I think carefully about who will be reading it. I always keep in mind that the entire world could see it! Except Mike! 
Another thing.... I limit who my Facebook Friends are. I don't care to have 500 friends, just to show how popular I am. In fact, I have chosen to NOT confirm several people. Either I don't have a clue who they are, or I don't know them well enough. And if they are miffed because I don't confirm them... they are not my friends! Tough! And if I don't care to see all of their posts... I "hide" them from my view. Hide works quite well! |
"It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been." |
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - April 03 2010 : 12:29:09 PM
WW--I have told her and the girls about this stuff repeatedly. I may as well talk to the wall....except....walls DO have ears! If anyone had been monitoring the Disney trip, there would hev been blood and bodies layin all over my yard! Not all of us go!!
MY law enforcement, security training and experience serve me well, too, MG! |
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'
~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle
 ~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~ |
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2005
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Posted - April 03 2010 : 4:12:49 PM
So yesterday I get an email from someone wanting me to join Facebook and be their "friend", and then today I get an email from Facebook wanting me to join. What's with these idiots! Needless to say I "opted out" of their system. And they didn't even give me the chance to display my knowledge of profanity while doing so! We'll see how well that works. Bet I get another email. |
 "Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet" |
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - April 03 2010 : 8:48:29 PM
French or English profanity, Fitz? Maybe both?? Up-a-vous theirs!
Let us know if they send more....... |
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'
~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle
 ~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~ |
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Fitzhugh Williams
Mohicanland Statesman

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 17 2005
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Posted - April 03 2010 : 11:29:06 PM
I can curse in three languages and in English! |
 "Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet" |
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 19 2002
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Posted - April 04 2010 : 07:01:00 AM
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'
~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle
 ~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~ |
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