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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - June 15 2007 :  8:35:02 PM  Show Profile  Visit RedFraggle's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I realize that this topic is not relevant to Last of the Mohicans, James Fenimore Cooper, eighteenth century history, or anything else on this site, but it's something that I'm always interested in, so here goes.

A while back there was a thread about pets that people have lost over the years. I enjoyed reading the stories in that forum, but I always felt sad afterward. So . . . how a thread about current pets?

Let me start out by saying that I'm a complete and total animal lover. I grew up in a family that was "animal poor," as my Mom always said---meaning that we had so many animals to feed we could barely afford to feed ourselves. Now my dog is basically my child. I'll take almost any opportunity to brag about her. I'm also a rescue worker. Animals are a very big part of my life.

That said, I'd like to know how animals have affected the lives of my fellow Mohicanlanders. If you've got a pet you'd like to show off or brag about, here's your chance. It's also a good way to get to know your friends in Mohicanland a little better, I think.

I'll start it off. . . .
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Posted - June 15 2007 :  8:50:16 PM  Show Profile  Visit RedFraggle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
This is my "child," Molly, a two-year-old red and white beagle with more energy than I have ever before seen in one animal. She likes to play with a rubber duckie in the bathtub. (The duckie is that yellow thing in the first picture.)

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And these are my latest (temporary) addition. These 8-week-old beagle pups are from a litter of nine that was found abandoned in Wilson, NC. I'm keeping them till they find forever homes. Their names? Wyatt and Vergil. Because my husband really likes the movie Tombstone.

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Posted - June 15 2007 :  9:31:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply cute!!!!! You are doing a great thing by helping out with animal rescue. Why is it that there are people that can just dump animals off and forget about them. Very cruel. I truly don't know how you can't part with those pups. That would be the hardest part. Kudos to your kind work toward animals, we need more people like you!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!"

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  12:14:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
OK, I'll bite! (Pun intended)

Here is our current score: Cats 6, Dogs 0.

We haven't had any dogs in about 3 years...and we're down to 6 cats! And they are (from oldest to youngest)...Sidney (a real grouch), Tod (tuxedo boy, all outdoors all the time), Kenny (big & stupid), Galdalf (yup, he's gray), Mollie (flighty Siamese), and Rooster (thinks he rules the roost).

They range in age from 11 to 3, so we'll be stuck with 'em for a loooong time.
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  09:47:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Right now my husband and I have two cats. One normal size (Gypsy), the other (Azrael) about eight pounds overweight! She's huge! Both were rescues from the local SPCA in Virginia were we lived. Let's just say before we had our baby, they were our babies. Very spoiled! Well, they still are! I grew up on a farm so being around animals is always something I've enjoyed. We raised cows and also pigs. Then on the side I had two horses and a pygmy goat. Not to mention tons of barn cats! Plus two dogs. So, since getting married and moving away, I dearly miss being around animals all the time and hope to one day, when we finally settled, to have a wide range of pets again!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!"

"Live well, love much, laugh often!"
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Fitzhugh Williams
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  11:22:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
You should try dogs.

"A dog is a good meal."
Benjamin Martin

"Les deux pieds contre la muraille et la tete sous le robinet"
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  1:21:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit RedFraggle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Obi and Blackfootblood---you make me miss having kitties around. My family had a lot when I was growing up, but the hubby's extremely allergic. He can't actually visit my parents' house because of his allergies. Good excuse for not staying with the in-laws, though, eh?

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Mohicanland Statesman

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  5:52:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Fitzhugh Williams

You should try dogs.

"A dog is a good meal."
Benjamin Martin

That reminds me of another old saying: "Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice Doggie' until you can find a big rock." ...or something like that!
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Council of Elders

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  7:16:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Sorry guys not a big dog lover here but I grew up with cats and loved them. Always kittens running around outside but they were never allowed in the house which annoyed the heck out of me (can understand why not now). We did have fish which, let's face it, are boring (sorry fish lovers) but my 8 year old son has a hamster he loves. Named him Kumar after the movie "Harold & Kumar Go To Whitecastle". Don't worry, he did not see the movie but his big sister suggested the name and he liked it.

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Monadnock Guide
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  7:26:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Cats are good for target practice ... ;)

you can keep "The Change"
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  7:48:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Monadnock Guide

Cats are good for target practice ... ;)

WHAT!?!?!?!?! I hope your joking.......

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!"

"Live well, love much, laugh often!"
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Mohicanland Statesman

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  8:04:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Monadnock Guide

Cats are good for target practice ... ;)

...but not as good as Guides!
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Posted - June 16 2007 :  8:10:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
You get him Obi!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!"

"Live well, love much, laugh often!"
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The Kiss 2

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Posted - June 16 2007 :  10:45:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
You are hitting a subject I can't resist.

We have four pets indoors and several outdoors.
Our group includes a 3lb teacup Chihuahua named Bailey with long hair.The 2006 Gatherers met her last year because we brought on the trip and took her to the picnic. She is also litter trained whic is great. We have a 19 year old long hair black cat named Turbo..must be feeding her something right. We have a Black Bunny that is supposed to be in a cage..but he roams free and never leaves the yard. Lastly we have an abandoned kitty we found in a ditch a couple months ago and she is getting ready to have kittens. When we took her in for spaying we found out....not something the overpopulated cat world needs ..but we will find good homes. We have several strays that we feed and they stay in our garage when it is too hot or too cold.

So there you have it is quite a group!
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Light of the Moon
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Car in Fog

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Posted - June 17 2007 :  12:57:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
We have six cats.

An 11yr old orange tabby named Gabriel; aka: Gato Loco (king of the house) He's about the size of a racoon. Got him off the streets downtown Cincin-nasty.
A 6yr old long hair torti name Sassy; aka: Fluffy Baby. Once again, another rescue from the streets of downtown.
A 4yr old orange tabby named Arwin; aka: Mommy's, Grumbles, or Cute Bug. She was pregnant when her family moved out and left her in a box on their patio. It was the middle of the winter. Found homes for 2 of her kittens the other three have stayed with us.

They are:
Loquito - another orange tabby; aka: whinebaby
Mistic - gray torti; aka: Pretty Girl
and my fave - Precious short hair torti; aka: Lil' Brat
Yes. I love tortishells. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em.

Dogs...I like 'em too. Beagles are one of my faves. Sorry, I can't take one. I'm already over the pet limit in my townhouse. But we're searching for a home to buy so maybe I can help later on.

As for fish. Just one female Betta. We had a beautiful male betta that died about a week ago. My oldest and me cried. He was a real cute guy. Always liked watching people. We miss him.

I live in my own little world - but that's okay, they know me here!
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Posted - June 17 2007 :  07:33:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I only have one cat right now. He is a stray cat. I actually think that someone dumped him off, but that's okay because he is mine now. His name is Garfunkel. Why would I name him Garfunkel???? Because at the time, I already had a cat named Simon, so now I would have Simon and Garfunkel.
Simon died a few months back and poor Garfunkel just didn't understand why Simon wasn't around anymore. I have to tell y'all, Simon was the sweetest cat in the world!!! He was a beautiful siamese cat and was just so loving!!! I really miss him, but Garfunkel is a sweetie too!!!


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
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Winds shall always soothe

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - June 17 2007 :  09:32:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit RedFraggle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Batawana

We have a Black Bunny that is supposed to be in a cage..but he roams free and never leaves the yard.

My sisters and I had bunnies when we were younger. Mine was a little wild, but theirs were so docile that we used to dress them up in baby doll clothes. If you've not seen a rabbit hopping around in a dress, it's really cute.
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Posted - June 17 2007 :  8:30:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by RedFraggle

Originally posted by Batawana

We have a Black Bunny that is supposed to be in a cage..but he roams free and never leaves the yard.

My sisters and I had bunnies when we were younger. Mine was a little wild, but theirs were so docile that we used to dress them up in baby doll clothes. If you've not seen a rabbit hopping around in a dress, it's really cute.

LOL, Red!!!! Bunny in a dress, now that is something I need to see! I had bunnies too, growing up but wasn't too fond of them. Only because one bit me and took a chunk from my thumb. Hurt pretty bad!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!"

"Live well, love much, laugh often!"
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Lady Ann


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Posted - June 18 2007 :  3:52:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Now that my human children are up and gone, I've been helping run a pug rescue organization in the Orlando area, Central Florida Pug Rescue, Inc. Besides doing all their legal work, I'm also a pug foster mom. I've fostered 13 pugs in the past year...and currently am fostering 4 pugs (Lydia, Bart, Ember and Tyler), in addition to my permanent pets, Julia (5 year old pug), Warrick (10 year old pug), Rohan (7 year old Ibizan hound), Jana (6 year old Basenji/Lab mix). and Two Socks (20 year old cat). CFPR rescued 60 pugs last year and was able to place 48 of them in permanent loving homes, after spaying/neutering them and taking care of all their medical problems. It is hard to believe that pugs would be thrown away, abused and neglected in the numbers that they are, but we take in an average of three a week these days...and this is just purebred pugs! Imagine the other animals out there who need rescuing....check us out at And if you would ever like to open your home to a deserving pug, just let me know!

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Mohicanland Statesman

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Posted - June 18 2007 :  6:48:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Good on ya' Lady Ann! Tho I expect my cats would disagree...
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The Kiss 2

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Posted - June 18 2007 :  6:51:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply

WOW...much praise to you for all the rescue work...we need more kind souls like you!!!!!

Carol B
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Posted - June 19 2007 :  09:54:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hmmm...I would like to post a pic of my Golden Retriever but when I try to upload the image I get a blank screen. Help!!

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The Kiss 2

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Posted - June 19 2007 :  12:30:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Theresa I had the same trouble at first and still could only get one picture on...I believe you have to make you download smaller

Carol B
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Posted - June 19 2007 :  3:13:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
OK...thanks! Here's my Scout. He's a 4 1/2 year-old Golden Retriever. We also have a little black dog, Kacie, who is about 9 years old. She's a pound dog that our daughter adopted when she was in college and brought her to her apartment that didn't allow pets and so we inherited her. She's a sweetie and I don't have a current picture of her. We believe she's a lab/pit mix...and we have two outdoor cats who are instrumental in keeping all the little unwanted critters away.

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Mohicanland Statesman

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Posted - June 19 2007 :  3:16:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I know exactly what Scout is saying in that picture:

"Mom! You got food? ... for ME?"
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Bumppo's Tavern Proprietress


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Posted - June 19 2007 :  5:04:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Obediah

I know exactly what Scout is saying in that picture:

"Mom! You got food? ... for ME?"

Almost, Obediah. Actually, I made the pic and DAD was holding the treat.

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