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King 1

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 13 2002

Status: offline


Posted - September 22 2002 :  09:54:31 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Just pulled in to Albany via Boston & London?


Now, you've got questions. Scattered about, mostly in this NEW DEAL forum, are some tips for using the MOHICAN BOARD, but we thought we'd place much of it here in one central post for your convenience.

Without further ado, then ...

Should I or Shouldn't I? Register, that is! Anyone is free to roam the boards here, but only registered users can actually post messages. So, the short answer is, Well, of course you should! Just go to the REGISTER link, which you can find toward the upper right-hand corner of virtually every page you are on here at the MOHICAN BOARD. Read the policy, and click "Agree." You will then be brought to a sign-up page. Fill out as little, or as much, as you like [some fields are required] and you're set to go. A welcome E-mail is automatically sent. If you put in an invalid E-mail address, it bounces back to us, and your account will be locked. So, please, use only your correct address. Please note that you have the option of hiding your E-mail address from public view when registering, if that is a concern. So, now that you are signed up ...

What Other Advantages Are There? Well, you can post, and after all, that's the purpose of a message board, right? Besides that, you can vote in the polls, add events and classified ads, set-up your own photo album, access the chat room, E-mail other members right from the board [if they've not chosen the Hide E-mail option], utilize the private messages feature, subscribe to topics or forums for automatic E-mail notification of new posts, view NEW Mohican Board Archives, and maybe a few more things. Please note that most of those features are available to you only if you are logged in ... so, LOG IN!

Then What? Post away! Use the topic sorting, smiles, message icons, etc. to your heart's content! There are text formatting buttons you can use to change fonts, colors, and other stuff. You can Preview your post before you post it to see exactly how it will look, and you can go back and Edit your post - even after posting - to fix errors, etc. [Please note that feature is not intended for changing content, though obviously it can be used for that purpose. Mean what you say, and say what you mean - the first time! Of course, we all make errors; fixing them is the intended use!]

Take It Slow! ... at first, to get used to the format & features, but invariably you'll want to explore. What's this icon do? and How do I do this? Before you panic, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page. Many questions are clearly answered there!

Some Simple Posting Rules
  • Attempt, as best the choices allow, to post new topics in the proper forum. If you start a new topic in the "wrong" forum, a moderator will move it to the correct forum, and you'll be notified by E-mail of the move.
  • If responding to an already established topic, use the "Reply to Topic" text link to do so. If the thread is long, and you are directly responding to a post somewhere in the middle, use the "Reply With Quote" button.
  • Be courteous & thoughtful. There is a Bad Word filter & flood control, but largely content is left to your good sense. Please use it. That's all we ask!

A Few More Aids First of all, upgrade to the latest available browser software. It's free, and can make all the difference in the world ... not only here, but everywhere you travel to on the Internet. Most experts [programmers, developers, and the like] recommend t
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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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