Soldier of the King


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Posted - May 08 2005 : 12:51:54 AM
“For Regiment And Family” By Sgt. Munro
07 September 1764 / 1100 Hours
Fort Pitt, The Ohio Country
With the safe arrival of Lieutenant-Colonel Reid, and several companies of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment; Fort Pitt is now quite well garrisoned. In recognition for the months of hard work, Colonel Reid has ordered a ‘down-day’ for the fort, with only a minimum of guard postings, so as to allow the men some time to recuperate before the inevitable offensive.
Some of the men have received permission to spend their free-time foraging for fresh meat. Others choose to engage in games of cards, draughts, quoits or other forms of amusement. Behind MacKenzie Barracks, two warrant-men find a more ‘martial’ form of diversion…
“You’re getting slovenly in your form, Duncan.” Corporal MacIntyre then attempted a thrust, which was parried by Sergeant Munro.
“Slovenly, aye Ian, but not so as to be bested by you!”
Munro and MacIntyre, both dressed in philabegs and blue-checked fatigue shirts, continued their fencing. To the casual observer it would appear as if the two men were actually dueling, but the basket-hilt swords they were using had rounded practice blades and were privately purchased by Captain Graham as training aids. Although the swords could not cut, bruises and abrasions were still commonplace after fencing sessions.
MacIntyre stopped in mid-swing, and immediately brought his sword to the ‘poise’ and saluted with a downward stroke, while saying, “Good morning, Lieutenant sir.”
Munro turned to see Lieutenant MacMillan standing by the corner of the barracks building, and immediately repeated the same salute, “Good morning sir.”
Returning their salute, Lieutenant MacMillan then turned to Munro, “Sergeant, I would not normally interrupt such zealous training, but you have two visitors who wish to see you.”
At that moment, a blonde-haired girl of seven years quickly ran toward Munro shouting, “Daddy, daddy!”
Dropping his sword, Duncan scooped up his daughter and kissed her, “Clara, my God it is good to see you!”
Scrunching up her little face, Clara noted, “Daddy, you are sweaty.”
“Yes Clara, your father needs a few moments to clean himself up.” Eliza Wallace-Munro said as she rounded the corner, “Then perhaps he might embrace your mother as well.”
Embracing Eliza with his free arm, Duncan kissed his wife and asked, “When did you arrive?”
“We came along with the supply convoy. Lieutenant-Colonel Reid was good enough to allow the regimental distaff to follow as far as Fort Pitt.” Eliza then motioned to the building, and asked, “Is this the barracks?”
“Aye, it is.” Duncan then pointed toward the fort’s ‘lower-town’ and continued, “Warrant-men and officers have huts, recently constructed, just outside of the western gate. That is where we will be staying; it is small, but it affords us some degree of privacy. Come, I’ll give you a tour of our new home.”
Corporal MacIntyre then felt a small hand glide across his lower back, turning around, he saw his Octavie. Swallowing her small form up, in his massive arms, he drew her close and shared a long kiss.
Tears of joy ran down her face as she said, “My Ian Mohr, how I have missed you!”
As Sergeant Munro led his wife and daughter through the Ohio Gate, into the fort’s ‘lower-town’, he stopped at the first cabin past the blockhouse. Eliza asked, “It’s lovely dear, who do we share it with?”
“Only Private ‘Havana’, a recent addition to our company.”
“Private Havana?”
Duncan smiled, and then he placed his two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. Private ‘Havana’ barked, and jumped through the open window. Landing at the run, he stopped at Munro’s feet and sat.
“Puppy!” Clara squealed with delight as she knelt to hug the dog.
Munro then addressed Private ‘Havana’, “Now lad, this is young Clar
Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy. 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote (The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)
"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" -Or- "Recruit locally, fight globally." |
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